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3 votes

What ingredients should I use for a grocery home brew?

Let's start with your hops replacements. Traditionally (before hops became common) all sorts of other herbs were used. These all had something in common: an intense bitter flavor. You need the ...
Frank van Wensveen's user avatar
3 votes

Very light golden hazy beer with citrus flavour

As farmersteve said that bottle isn't going to work for carbonating. You need a bottle that will be air tight, and to add a priming sugar. Cloudy is to be expected from 100% wheat. About the citrus ...
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar
3 votes

Fermentation still stuck after adding nutrients?

Oxygen at this point may create some oxidation off flavors (wet paper) since you're close to 50% attenuation. Try to warm it up and swirl more. I would go to 74°F. I would question your measuring ...
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar
2 votes

Apricot wheat ale extract recipe – advice and opinions

Mostly everything there looks good. Exception is the use of maltodextrin which is non-fermentable. So it will increase the OG and FG but not the ABV resulting in a beer that may be too sweet and ...
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar
2 votes

Fermentation still stuck after adding nutrients?

It is most likely not the nutrients that are needed but oxygen, your stir will have introduced sufficent oxygen to drop a further 5 points of gravity. I advise popping the top and giving it a really ...
Mr_road's user avatar
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2 votes

Fermentation still stuck after adding nutrients?

So, actually, after one week or so, i have new data. As you can see on the graph below, my fermentation restarted and slowly made its way to ~1.020 (it's still fermenting and i'll leave it for one ...
JeanMi's user avatar
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1 vote

Extract American Wheat Specialty Grain recommendations?

I would suggest steeping a pound of Carapils. It will improve the grainy flavors that you just can’t get from extract alone, and since it is already converted (caramel/crystal malt), no mashing is ...
dmtaylor's user avatar
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Extract American Wheat Specialty Grain recommendations?

IMO you've got a nice beer here that will be really drinkable for the season when it's ready in a few weeks. Really, there isn't a need for specialty grains unless you want to just add them out of ...
rob's user avatar
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1 vote

What ingredients should I use for a grocery home brew?

I would get some honey, maybe some fruit, bakers' yeast and make a mead. Factory produced bread yeast generally has an alcohol tolerance of around 14% AbV.
Kingsley's user avatar
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How should I determine a ratio between malts?

For a 24L batch of extract lager beer I often use this recipe. It can be modified as wished but it gives a guide to what can be done. The hops can be changed for any similar amount of "nobel hops" but ...
barking.pete's user avatar
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1 vote

Adding Orange and/or Corriander to Secondary

I added 7g of bitter Orange peel and 7g of fresh cracked (not ground) coriander seed directly into a 25 Litre bucket after 4 days of fermenting a wheat beer. I left them in for 10 days. It seemed like ...
barking.pete's user avatar
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