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4 votes

George Washington's beer recipe. Did he say "yeast"?

I think the word "Yeast" or "Yeat" or "Yest" (hard to tell from old writings) was commonly used in England (and probably America) around Washington's time. I quickly found a recipe book from England c....
farmersteve's user avatar
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Clearing using finings during racking prior to bottling - will there still be enough yeast for second fermentation?

Yes and yes. Finings will generate trub, and you might want to rack the beer off it before packaging. Finings also do not remove much if any of the yeast so priming will not be a problem at all ...
dmtaylor's user avatar
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Pitching stressed yeast cake (Wit)

The esters which provide the banana aroma are only formed at the start of the fermentation, when the yeast grows and multiplies. And indeed underpitching is part of this. However, after your first ...
chthon's user avatar
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Dark liquid floating in secondary fermentor

I'm reasonably certain its beer ;) Even a pale ale looks dark in a carboy when it clears. Your yeast is settling to the bottom and in that process the beer at the top is clearing. But this beer is ...
Aaron W. Herrick's user avatar
1 vote

Pressurized Ferment Yeast Harvest -- what are these layers?

Judging by the light creamy color of your yeast/trub layer, it looks like you harvested very clean yeast, with very little trub mixed in. I'm not sure where that creamy foaming comes from, as you ...
Frits Meijer's user avatar

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