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8 votes

Is a counter flow chiller good for cooling wort?

This is a type of counter flow chiller. The manufacturer should have some specs on it. Mainly what the heat exchange efficiency is at specific GPMs. For example 100% eff at 1gpm wort and 1gpm ...
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar
6 votes

How much will initial oxygen in wort affect final alcohol in beer?

"This means that the initial metabolism will be aerobic. Aerobic metabolism of sugar yields no alcohol, but still reduces the gravity." Well, actually this isn't true in virtually all fermentation ...
Franklin P Combs's user avatar
6 votes

How much wort should be left in the brew pot?

The strategy for getting the most wort into the fermenter is to dump it all in. Everything, hops and everything. I don't scrape the stickies off the wall of the pot, but I tip the whole thing into ...
JPicasso's user avatar
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5 votes

How much wort should be left in the brew pot?

Although we need more information to be more specific, the general answer to "how much wort should be left behind" is "as little as possible". One thing you can do is pour the wort through a ...
Denny Conn's user avatar
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5 votes

Does this look infected?

Everything I see there looks normal. Green floaties, just hops. Clean surface, no pellicile starting. Some bubbles, c02 still being produced.
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar
4 votes

Best way to rack to fermenter

Pretty much. Either the strainer will strain the hop material, and clog, as you say, or you can use hop bags or a hop spider to do the filtering. Other methods involve whirlpooling in the kettle to ...
jsled's user avatar
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4 votes

What is a grant?

As a professional beer brewing equipment manufacturer,we would like to make a detailed clarification for the device "wort grant" here. The wort grant is generally being installed between the lauter ...
Laura H's user avatar
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3 votes

How to store sugar wort?

One easy and convenient way to store sugary wort in order to make futur starter is to freeze it. You can store your frozen wort in your freezer for a long time (i'd say at least 6 month). I would ...
JeanMi's user avatar
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How much wort should be left in the brew pot?

Another easy solution is to use a muslin bag during your boil. Homebrew shops sells them in bulk for under a dollar each. They are like pantyhose and stretch a lot. Stick it in your kettle and clip/...
Stefan Mohr's user avatar
3 votes

Why would I add water to a cooling wort?

Not everyone can boil the needed full 5 gallons of water at a time. Many times 2-3 gallons are brewed with the extract, cooled, and then the additional 2-3 gallons of water are added to bring the ...
Sam's user avatar
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3 votes

Best way to rack to fermenter

I like to use an auto siphon just over the bottom of the pot, as long as you don't move it around too much you shouldn't transfer much. The little bit you to transfer can be left behind again by ...
rbreier's user avatar
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3 votes

Best way to rack to fermenter

I usually use a siphon. My experience is that it doesn't get clogged by hop material easily unless it is whole cone. Best way is to use an autosiphon but hold it above the hop matter at the bottom. ...
Shay's user avatar
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2 votes

How do you cool wort?

Passive Cooling: I seal up the wort and leave it overnight in a room tempurature area or outside, whatever. If the area is too cold, I check the wort starting at about 6 hours, so it doesnt get too ...
DaFi4's user avatar
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2 votes

How to troubleshoot for either bad wort or bad yeast?

Everything looks by the book. You may not see bubbling in an airlock even if c02 is being released. Usually won't get bubbles if just using distilled water or alcohol, not enough surface tension. You ...
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar
2 votes

Does this look infected?

Judging fermentation by how long you see activity in the airlock is unpredictable. You saw some activity, which is a good sign. Did you happen to get any hydrometer readings? That green stuff ...
mstrom's user avatar
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2 votes

recipe confusing -- boil only some of the wort?

2.8 lbs of milled grain will absorb approximately .34 gallons of water, so if the authors mash tun has .16 gallons of deadspace that would explain 2.5 gallons total water going into the mash tun, and ...
freshop's user avatar
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2 votes

GCB Materials on Cold Wort Aeration

'Wouldn't the relatively cool temperature of the wort actually increase the solubility of the oxygen, and so reduce the need for vigorous mixing?' For sure. Looking at those revision notes, I think ...
Franklin P Combs's user avatar
2 votes

How much will initial oxygen in wort affect final alcohol in beer?

As FranklinPC rightly points out very little will go into aerobic respiration, some will as the TCA cycle is not shutdown, but it is trivial. Mostly the 10ppm of O2 is there to ensure that the yeast ...
Mr_road's user avatar
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2 votes

Brewing with tamarinds

Consider what will happen to the sweet and sour balance when the fruit and honey undergo fermentation. The fructose and glucose will be converted into alcohol. They shouldn't leave any noticable ...
David Liam Clayton's user avatar
2 votes

Can I move the beer to another location while its fermenting?

Either way should be fine. Although I'd probably pitch the yeast before moving it just to avoid having to have another thing to do after moving it. 2 hours probably isn't enough for it to start ...
rob's user avatar
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2 votes

What to do with blowout Krausen/wort

Dump it out. Pouring blowoff back in to save yourself a pint of beer risks the entire batch for infection. In the future you can use a bigger container for primary fermentation- but even so, blowoffs ...
rob's user avatar
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1 vote

How to store sugar wort?

I heard pressure cooking the wort is a great way to make your wort storable for couple of months: Never tried it ...
Oliver Hörold's user avatar
1 vote

How much will initial oxygen in wort affect final alcohol in beer?

At the most basic level of matter conversion resulting in loss of gravity in the beer it must exit as a volatile (gas co2,o2), or be converted into a larger molecule that uses more space than before ...
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar
1 vote

Esoteric question about mashing/saccharification technique

No, they would taste very different. Malting not only activates enzymes, the kilning changes the flavor.
Denny Conn's user avatar
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AG brewing newbie, can only hit 50% efficiency, what's going wrong?

That part where you said that "it got a bit hot at first" is likely your culprit. The enzymes that break starches down into sugars (Amylase) don't like getting too hot and they die off. It's far ...
CharlieHorse's user avatar
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1 vote

Best time to transport wort in a car

I've conducted the mash and boil in one place and transported prior to fermentation in the past, with no issue. Yes, the drive will aerate some...but you will certainly need to aerate more prior to ...
BHBrewer's user avatar
1 vote

Best time to transport wort in a car

I don't think there is a "better" here. Certainly the drive will help aerate, but I wouldn't rely on it. Shake the fermenter well before pitching.  On the other hand, jostling the already pitched ...
uSlackr's user avatar
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Whirlpooling vs. Flameout (Knockout)

These two hop addition timings are quite similar. Your guess about flameout is mostly correct, adding the hops right after you turn off the heat. Whirlpool refers specifically to a strategy to ...
BBS's user avatar
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1 vote

Why would I add water to a cooling wort?

You likely wouldn't be adding water to cooled wort, but many brewers add water to cooling wort for a number of reasons. A brewer may not have a large enough kettle to brew the entire batch at once ...
BBS's user avatar
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Is it ok if my transferred wort has some undissolved hops in it?

Hops don't dissolve. They basically come in 3 forms (whole, pellet and extract which is very rare for homebrewers). The whole hops are easy to spot (they'll be those leaves floating on top of your ...
CharlieHorse's user avatar
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