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How to make Sweet beer

Honey is almost 100% fermentable, so if added at bottling, it can increase carbonation and potentially result in gushing overcarbonated bottles or even explosions. You can however use it to prime the ...
dmtaylor's user avatar
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Starting gravity reading when not all fermentables are dissolved

Yes it is still useful. You at least know where you are starting, as chthon states the second part of adding 50g to 1l of 1050 solution doesn't give 1100 solution. Here is a great table that ...
Mr_road's user avatar
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Did I totally mess up making mead for my first time?

So, from an small calculation your mead has a gravity of 1.144 or 33° Brix. If a yeast was able to convert all this sugar (from the honey) into alcohol, it would yield 20% ABV. Most yeasts will not ...
chthon's user avatar
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gravity rising, no airlock activity

Well, gravity can't go it sounds like the honey probably wasn't dispersed evenly in the water. I imagine getting caramelized honey to evenly disperse probably takes aeration or an immersion ...
rob's user avatar
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Ginger Beer ABV from Bakers Yeast

The sugars in honey are primarily fructose (38%) and glucose (32%). These are simple sugars, so bakers yeast will happily ferment it. As @Dave mentioned in a comment, for a lot of intents and ...
Kingsley's user avatar
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First Time - Honey Mead questions

Your options for stopping fermentation are to add chemicals (which you mentioned don't want to do), pasteurize it with heat, or cold-crash it to make the yeast go dormant. If you think you can end up ...
Dave's user avatar
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Starting gravity reading when not all fermentables are dissolved

Your first idea is correct. Your gravity reading will be incorrect if not everything is dissolved. However, the second part on adding the honey is incorrect. The gravity reading means how many times ...
chthon's user avatar
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How will I calculate ABV if I had to add honey in the middle of a stuck fermentation?

Apparently it IS possible to get the ABV without knowing the OG by using both a hydrometer and a refractometer. See here:
K4 Nerd's user avatar
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How will I calculate ABV if I had to add honey in the middle of a stuck fermentation?

If I understand correctly, given your recipe you cannot measure original gravity (because you added more sugars in the form of honey after fermentation began) and therefore you need to find a way to ...
Rob's user avatar
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Raw vs cheap honey for a turbo cyser

Cheap honey is usually cheap for a reason. Check the label - it may contain artificial ingredients (e.g. various sugar syrup blends, flavorings, colorants). Be especially careful with anything labeled ...
Frank van Wensveen's user avatar
2 votes

How to make Sweet beer

You can adjust the sweetness in two other ways not already mentioned. Through adjusting the mash temperature and time. This will affect how much the natural starches are broken down. Generally ...
Kingfisher's user avatar
1 vote

How to make Sweet beer

There are several ways you could go about trying to make a sweet beer. Honey will of course add sweetness, but only if the yeast do not ferment it away in the bottle. (Which will also cause the ...
Meta's user avatar
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Brewferm Abdijbier + buckwheat honey = a bit of a bitter flavour - Help please

This sounds like a pre hopped can of malt..... So its probably the can of malt with hops adding more bitterness then expected. I would let it sit, and it should mellow out. if not you could add some ...
jsolarski's user avatar
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Clarifying mead made from raw honey?

There are a lot of questions/comments in there, so I'll try to address them below. A quick tl;dr though: It will probably clear eventually, but the 5-gallon will probably take longer than the 1-...
valverij's user avatar
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Effect of priming with honey

If I want a slight honey flavor, I cold crash a 5 gallon batch after fermentation to separate out the yeast or pasteurize then add a cup of honey mixed with a bit of High proof alcohol to dilute and ...
M Nunya Biz's user avatar
1 vote

Concerns/Considerations for making mead with raw honey?

Well, I'm a microbiologist and brewer. Bacteria will not GROW in pure Honey but they can survive. When honey is diluted to make mead it's party time for bacteria! Heating honey by boiling may kill ...
DGC's user avatar
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