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5 votes

Making a lager from an ale recipe

Yes you can take an ale recipe and use lager yeast at suggested temps. As for taste, it will depend on your recipe. Yes, the yeast imparts flavor to your beer, but, you can't make a medium body ale ...
jsolarski's user avatar
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3 votes

Think about doing a Lager

I believe the Mr. Beer is a 1 gallon size and fits in most fridges nice. However most fridges work between 35-45°. Your target range for lagering is 48-54°F. With out electronic temp control, you ...
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar
3 votes

When Lagering outdoors

Absolutely! I've got a shed behind my house which I call "the lagering shed". You should know the range of temperatures which are likely to occur, and keep an eye on your beer. I live in south-...
Jeff Roe's user avatar
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2 votes

Remove diacetyl taste with slurry

You want to add some actively fermenting beer. There is a German technique called Krausening for just this purpose.
brewchez's user avatar
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1 vote

Can I lager in bottles?

I made a Czech pilsner last winter. I left it in the primary fermenter for fermentation at 50 degrees for 3 weeks, did the diacetyl rest for 2 days at 65 degrees, took the hydrometer reading, then ...
Rick Sanson's user avatar
1 vote

Why do all my beers taste better after having aged for a couple months?

I mature my bottle conditioned ales for as long as possible. The longest so far is 168 weeks or 3.2 years for one of my Barley Wines. The key changes are Hoppyness mellows with age and Malts go ...
Bill's user avatar
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