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7 votes

How to achieve that hoppy aroma and top notes

I think the primary factor would be how much you're dry-hopping with. More hops means more of the volatile aromatic compounds that produce those aromas. Most of the recipes I've seen call for ...
thesquaregroot's user avatar
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7 votes

How to achieve that hoppy aroma and top notes

In addition to the other answers which I agree with. Late boil additions are very important too at last 1-5 minutes or whirlpool. These add a "deep" aroma for lack of a better term. They seem to ...
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar
7 votes

Can I over-filter my beer?

If you are worried about the yeast getting through that bag, you have nothing to worry about. When we talk about sterile filtration, the generally accepted size of the filter is .45u (micron). 1000 ...
farmersteve's user avatar
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Beer looses almost all carbonation when opened

What your describing is volcano bottles. Over carbonation This is caused by bottle conditioning with too much priming sugar, too much residual sugar or wild yeast infection. Priming sugar misdose is ...
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar
5 votes

Dry hop to add depth of flavour?

Dry hopping will have a much larger impact on aroma than taste. Sniff the hops you are thinking of adding while sipping the beer (ideally a previous batch of the same recipe if this one hasn't dried ...
Tuorg's user avatar
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5 votes

Dry hop to add depth of flavour?

If its still in the fermentation vessel, then yes you can dry hop. My advise is, if you have a 5 gal Batch, dry hop a gallon of it and test it out. that way if its not what you expected then you ...
jsolarski's user avatar
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Messed up West Coast IPA recipe, could dryhopping make it good?

Wait!!! Does the beer taste good? If so, just leave it, it wont be as bitter as the recipe sure, but good beer is good beer. It's probably OK. Hop additions are numbered by the amount of boil ...
Kingsley's user avatar
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How to achieve that hoppy aroma and top notes

From my experience thesquaregroot got it mostly rigtht - fresh hops and sufficient quantity. There is one more really important factor. As far as my experiments go, 4 days before adding hops and ...
Mołot's user avatar
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How does alcohol affect flavour/aroma when dry hopping?

This is really a question would take a book to answer completly. I'll try to hit the main points. Yes. What hops are added to does change aroma and flavor. Because of the blending of everything. (...
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar
4 votes

Can I over-filter my beer?

No. Unless it's a cloudy style that relies on particulates. But putting that bag over your racking cane will probably just clog up and be a frustrating mess. I would use finings and cold crash. Then ...
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar
4 votes

Will dry hopping without a hop bag give me "hop floaties"?

I'm not a fan of using bags in fermentation The bags usually float giving a perfect media for bacteria on the exposed area to grow on. Expecially in secondary when c02 levels are the lowest. Also in ...
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar
4 votes

Will dry hopping without a hop bag give me "hop floaties"?

Yeah, it may. If you can chill the before racking to a keg it should drop the hops. If you can' do that, you can just wait til they drop on their own.
Denny Conn's user avatar
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4 votes

Dry hopping and massive gas release

Fermenting/fermented beer has something like 0.8 volumes of CO₂ dissolved into it. Adding hops creates a ton of nucleation points for CO₂ bubbles to form. Fermentation has likely not restarted. You ...
jsled's user avatar
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3 votes

Aggressive dry hopping schedule normal?

Is this normal for single hop ales? Maybe for brew dog it is, and homebrewers at my local club have done this. I only use dry hopping for my single hop ales occasionally, when the hop has promising ...
jsolarski's user avatar
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3 votes

Hop Bags, What are the Advantages?

Using hop bags is just for ease of use of hops. Using them in the boil pretty much depends on your system. With my system, the pickup tube will clog if I use whole hops without a bag. For that ...
Denny Conn's user avatar
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3 votes

Beer has off flavor, sample taken while bottling tasted good

How old is it? I know from experience just a few days at warm temps like you described 80°F will make a delicate beer taste like it was age weeks. Noticing the green bottles, light struck (skunking) ...
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar
3 votes

Fermentation time

Let it go. Hops contain enzymes so you are likely seeing renewed fermentation which could continue in the bottles or keg if you package it too quickly. Concerns regarding prolonged contact with dry ...
dmtaylor's user avatar
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Three days into fermenting beer and getting really sharp, bitter flavors, will that mellow out?

If it's still fermenting, you're likely just experiencing the hops still in suspension. After fermentation is complete, a LOT of this material and the associated bitterness will drop out of ...
dmtaylor's user avatar
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2 votes

Quick advice for dry-hopping and racking to secondary

Dry-hopping in primary is fine. Many people don't rack to a secondary fermentation vessel anymore unless they're actually adding additional fermentables. In fact, dry-hopping before primary-...
thesquaregroot's user avatar
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Dry hopping fruit beer

Some brewers and commentators say not to dry hop during active fermentation as the release of CO2 from the fermenting vessel may take some of the hop aroma and flavour. IMHO that is not particularly ...
barking.pete's user avatar
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"Debugging" a bitter DDH NEIPA

Less bitterness - I would drop some of the interim hop additions, I would stick with the FWH just to reduce foaming, and I would eliminate the 40min 0.2oz and 20 min 0.45 oz additions. If you want ...
Mr_road's user avatar
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Dry Hopping Measuring Cup

Yes keep it clean, but no you do not need to sanitize it, the properties of finished beer and the properties of the hops will keep most spoilage organisms at bay.
jsolarski's user avatar
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2 votes

Fermentation time

The main indication would be to measure the final gravity of the wort, don't look at the activity in the airlock. However, if you kept it in a room without too much temperature variation at ambient ...
chthon's user avatar
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Why are AAU not specified for dry hopping?

Dry-hopping does not impart bitterness. The bitterness in the beer originates in the isomerization of hop alpha acids in the heat of the boil. Since dry hopping is done cold, no AAU units of ...
chthon's user avatar
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Sanitizing additives (herbs)

Make a tea with the herbs and use the tea to dose. You can pre-taste this and dose as needed, and the steeping process (~180F) will pasteurize the herbs. You can also filter out the herbs this way to ...
rob's user avatar
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1 vote

Oxidation in Secondary Fermenter

I highly recommend skipping the secondary in the future. There is just no value and the downside is possible oxidation. These beers are super-sensitive to oxidation.
uSlackr's user avatar
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Hops Wort Absorption

Beer-N-BBQ by Larry says hops absorb 0,0033L of wort per gram. I don't know where the value actually comes from though.
Emre Türkiş's user avatar
1 vote

Hops Wort Absorption

I use an Italian made brew calculator, Calcoliamo Birra, app that calculates hops water absorption at 0.12 qt/oz which is about half a cup per ounce. Update: Last night I made a hop tea to increase ...
Kingfisher's user avatar
1 vote

Is heady topper a NEIPA/ DIPA or both?

NE IPAs are known to their high amount of late hopping, sometimes the use of proteins like oatmeal and wheat can help too, the proteins along with the hop oils creates chains of polifenols, that will ...
gcampos's user avatar
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1 vote

Dry hopping in the keg using a dry hopper

I use monofilament and tie to the diptube. But I use muslin bags as much as you normally do
Denny Conn's user avatar
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