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Questions tagged [specific-gravity]

Specific gravity in brewing is the ratio of the density of the wort to that of water.

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3 answers

Adjustment of wort volume when the wort is still hot

When calculating the SG of a hot wort so you can decide how much to dilute your wort to achieve the desired dilution and Final gravity is it correct to make the following calculation? Measure the SG ...
Bill Hilton's user avatar
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Method to measure specific gravity above refractometer range?

I purchased this refractometer for use in brewing hard cider. The recipe I'm using involves adding sugar and then boiling down the juice by about 1/3. After reducing the liquid, the specific gravity ...
Crash Gordon's user avatar
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gravity rising, no airlock activity

fermenting a bochet, I dropped a bluetooth hydrometer in the must and started with a gravity reading of 1.128. Pitched lalvin EC-1118, and over a day the gravity has gone up to 1.144. I've heard that ...
Adam R. Grey's user avatar
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Does it matter whether SG sample is from top or bottom of vessel?

I have a wine that appears to have reached 0.992 SG (so in theory should be ready to bottle), but am concerned that my SG reading could be an underestimate because I took the sample from near the top ...
CaptainProg's user avatar
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What is the relationship between specific gravity and boiling point?

I know that adding sugar increases the boiling point of water, but by how much? Searched the web and can't find an answer. Reason for asking is that a food grade Nylon 66 component I'm considering ...
David Easley's user avatar
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What is the "gravity correction factor" for IBU formulation and why do we apply it at 1.050?

The formula I've consistently found for calculating the IBU for a particular hop is: IBU = Weight (ounces) x Alpha Acid % x Utilization % x 7489 --------------------------------------------------...
hotmeatballsoup's user avatar
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High final Brix reading, 1.00 SG

I recently received a refractometer and tried it out on a batch of mead that has been in secondary for about 3 months. I took a reading of some distilled water, both read 1.00. I then dissolved 30g of ...
Tjaden Hess's user avatar
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Specific Gravity and fermentation of wine

I thought it would be fun to make grape jelly wine. My specific gravity started at 1.104. After day five fermentation appeared to stop at 1.08. I increased the temperature, added lemon juice and yeast ...
LadyH's user avatar
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Why are these refractometer scales so far off?

I've been using This picture from of a refractometer (Looks like the same refractometer as mine) scale to go back-and-forth between my brew notes (at the computer) when doing ABV ...
HomeBrew's user avatar
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Typical first-day change in specific gravity

I recently started my first BIAB all-grain brew, but unfortunately my hydrometer broke before I could get an OG reading. I was targeting around a 1.065. Just around 24 hours later I took a reading and ...
Tjaden Hess's user avatar
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Gravity loss after settling?

Just made my second batch using an Anvil Foundry all-in-one brewing system. I used an immersion chiller to bring the wort down, but could only get it down to 82F (groundwater in Texas in August... ...
Nathan Matarazzo's user avatar
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Impact of different gravities for the same ABV

We can have the same ABV with diferents gravities. My reading for watermelon wine is: 1.064 0.997 =8.79% However I found some recipes with readings like this to the same type of wine. 1.090 1.023 =8....
anvd's user avatar
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Beer fermentation runs real warm and dropped gravity real fast

I started a fermentation 24 hours ago and it has increased the temperature from 22°C to 28°C in the last 8 hours. Additionally the gravity dropped from 1.060 to 1.024 already which seems insanely fast ...
sebastiaan's user avatar
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Activity in fermenter has increased suddenly after 2 weeks, why?

I'm a total beginner and really appreciative of any advice here. I'm making a 1 gallon batch of IPA from a kit. I brewed 16 days ago, and in the first 48 hours of the wort being in the fermenter it ...
mrniaboc's user avatar
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How to know if kombucha is alcoholic?

So I am into making kombucha at home: I made a SCOBY, grew it, and I have successful kombuchas. My normal recipe makes a "ginger kombucha", pretty much kombucha with sugar and ginger. It disappears ...
Ethan Slota's user avatar
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How to calculate ABV% with step feeding

I would like to make a high ABV mead, and plan to divide the honey into 3 or 4 increments for the yeast. This has to be done so that the yeast are not under stress from osmotic pressure. However, I ...
Czernina's user avatar
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How to approximate when half the sugar has been fermented

The EC-1118 datasheet suggests a procedure wherein you pitch the full amount of yeast in 10% of the total volume of your liquid, and let it ferment until approximately half the sugar is used up, and ...
lawman's user avatar
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Gravity goes down during cooling

Brewing with Grainfather system. Gravity measured post boil at 1.068. Gravity measured post cooling and transfer to fermenter @ 1.058. How/What could cause this?
John's user avatar
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Is SG 1.005 OK for cider before first racking

The primary fermentation for cider is going for 9 days and SG wend down from 1.052 to 1.005. Is it normal to have such a low value before first racking? Should I add sugar to rise SG to 1.015 and ...
vershov's user avatar
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Why has the Specific Gravity to Potential Alcohol conversions changed?

Ok, so I have implied but not said outright that I have been making wine for almost 30 years, but what I have also implied but not outright said is that there has been a break in that amateur ...
Escoce's user avatar
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Inconsistent specific gravity readings

I'm getting inconsistent specific gravity readings. 6-25: 1.116 @ 74.3F (after pitching yeast) 6-26: 1.120 @ 71.2F, pH 4.25 7-1: 1.111 @ 70.2F, pH 4.0 7-3: 1.122 @ 70.9F, pH 3.75 I have a spigot ...
Chloe's user avatar
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Why do very dark roasted malts have such a high steeping yield?

According to Palmer's popular list of typical mashing and steeping yields, pale crystal malt (25-40L) has a typical steeping yield of 22 PPG. Slightly darker crystal malt (medium, 60-75L) weighs in at ...
Frank van Wensveen's user avatar
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Diluting juice from old wrinkly apples for hard cider

I've juiced about 50kg of wonderful heritage apples that I stored over winter. They've dried out a lot. When scratting the pulp was almost dry to the touch, and the resulting juice was practically ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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First Brew got a high OG and planning to put apricots in the fermenter, will the yeast be able to get the sugar before the alcohol kills it off?

I went all grain BIAB straight off, recipe was kind of my own: 10l batch 1kg marris otter malt barley 1Kg wheat 100g oats 40g hallertauer hops in total 400g enhancer packet of witbier yeast (...
harry warb's user avatar
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Low FG on our IPA, can we force second fermentation?

We are brewing a Pliny clone, IPA with dry hopping. We had an OG of 1.065, and racked to secondary six days later. Our current FG is reading 1.032, which is nowhere close to where we want to be. ...
Brooke Stockwell's user avatar
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How long can I let an IPA fermented while dry hopping?

The hydrometer reading is 1.014 from 1.058. I just dry hopped. How long should I let it ferment? Can I let alone for one more week without messing it up?
Sharon's user avatar
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How to calculate ABV when adding fermentable sugar or fruit to secondary fermentation?

Fermentable Sugar, e.g. Maple Syrup I brewed a Maple Stout before Christmas in which I racked the beer to a secondary fermentation vessel where I added 550g of Maple Syrup. I let it sit at 12ºC for 4 ...
joe92's user avatar
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How to calculate amount of water to add to lower OG to target

I have been using less water than needed in my partial mash recipes. For a target of 8 gal into 2 (5 gal) fermenters, I have been using 3 (+1 gal sparge) in the mash step and 2 gal for boiling ...
42-'s user avatar
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Why did I miss my high target gravity? By quite a lot. Is it just my brewhouse efficiency?

I cooked up my first Double IPA recipe over the weekend but have seriously missed the mark with the target gravity. So much so it most definitely won't be a Double. Target O.G. = 1.085 Actual O.G. = ...
joe92's user avatar
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Malt bills - Potential extract weight per volume of wort required for target gravity

I'm looking to understand malt bills a bit more. I'm currently reading "Malt - A Practical Guide from Field to Brewhouse" by John Mallet. I'm particularly interested in the section describing the ...
joe92's user avatar
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Why not to calculate specific gravity through weight?

I have read that you can calculate specific gravity by dividing the weight of a known volume of liquid in the weight of a known volume of water. After reading that I thought about filing my fermenter ...
WildLAppers's user avatar
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Sugar in water effect on specific gravity?

Is there an equation or relation to describe how much sugar is to be added to water to obtain a liquid with a specific gravity? In This question, for example, it is mentioned that "1 lb in 1 gallon ...
Mike Meyers's user avatar
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ABV from one SG?

The most common way to calculate ABV (Alcohol By Volume) is through some correlation between Original Gravity (OG) and Final Gravity(FG). Is there any way to calculate ABV just from the current ...
Mike Meyers's user avatar
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Correct temperature effect on Specific gravity

Is there an equation that corrects specific gravity while considering temperature effect in Celsius, which does not presupposes a set hydrometer calibration temperature? A direct relation, not tables ...
Mike Meyers's user avatar
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What is the table sugar to invert syrup yield, in mass?

Brewers can make their own invert syrup (Belgian candi syrup) by heating regular granulated table sugar, water, and a little acid.
Dale's user avatar
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Estimating OG when only pre-boil gravity available

Is it possible to estimate the post-boil specific gravity given only a pre boil gravity reading, plus volume measurements, while also accounting for a invert sugar syrup addition? For example, say ...
Dale's user avatar
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Diluting beer after 11 hours of fermentation. What to expect?

Ended up with too high gravity wort. Since I was not prepared for this I didn't have enough sterile water to dilute the wort. I ended up pitching the yeast anyway and adding sterile water at 11 hours ...
Martin's user avatar
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Starting gravity reading when not all fermentables are dissolved

Is it possible to get a useful starting gravity reading when not everything is dissolved or suspended, but you know it ultimately will be? Some context: In my pre-hydrometer days, I made a few cysers ...
tempest_col's user avatar
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Formulating a recipe with birch sap

Background Based on my searching here and elsewhere, brewing with birch sap is quite uncommon with brewers (although I did find one brewer that mentioned brewing with maple sap). So I'd like to get ...
Dale's user avatar
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Specific Gravity too low

I started my latests batch of IPA (from a Wilko kit) off 19 days ago. Unlike my previous attempts, fermentation began rapidly and consistent. It has slowed down over the past couple of days so today ...
Andrew F's user avatar
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What does a gravity reading really mean?

The simple/short version of the question: What does a hydrometer gravity reading of 1.036 really mean? Does it mean the density of the liquid is 3.6% greater than that of distilled water (ignoring ...
zacronos's user avatar
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How can I save a wine with SG way too high?

I am attempting to make a blackberry wine from blackberries picked in my yard. I followed a recipe found online, adding sugar disolved in water to a bunch of mashed up berries in a mesh bag, etc. I ...
re5et's user avatar
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specific gravity in wine making

I'm trying to make wine out of pomegranate juice, its almost a month that the must is fermenting but when I read the specific gravity with the hydrometer is always around 0.008. If a try to calculate ...
oceana's user avatar
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Refractometer or options?

I have advanced to a very prolific brewer and have mastered many aspects of home brewing. For some reason I seem to be unable to master the issue of Specific Gravity. Try as I may, I just do not ...
Rory's user avatar
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Gravity concerns slow fermentation

I have returned to home brewing after a long leave of absence and would be very grateful for some advice just to make sure my wort is still going in the right direction as I am getting a bit concerned....
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Higher starting gravity

Is it true to get a higher S.G. you can by add extra Suger and fermentables like extra suger DME. I 'm trying to find a way to raise, The S.G and F.G to get a higher ABV.
Jack Scotti's user avatar
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How much will initial oxygen in wort affect final alcohol in beer?

According to White and Zainasheff: Yeast: The Practical Guide to Beer Fermentation By Chris White and Jamil Zainasheff, wort should have 10 mg/L (10 ppm) with dissolved oxygen before pitching. This ...
Tom Tallak Solbu's user avatar
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Specific Gravities for Kombucha

The most-recent episode of Basic Brewing Radio has got me thinking about making Kombucha. What would be a typical OG (original gravity) and FG (final gravity) for a Kombucha?
Jeff Roe's user avatar
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What is too high a gravity to bottle condition cider?

I tasted my cider today and if I could bottle it now I would. The only problem is that the gravity is at 1.012. My concern is that I could create bottle bombs if I bottled it now. Is it possible to ...
Jef Blue's user avatar
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Increase gravity in secondary

I added a pot of coffee to my secondary without thinking much about the water content. Now the SG is lower than I want (weak body). Could I put it back into the kettle and boil the excess water off ...
Todd's user avatar
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