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Questions tagged [oxygenation]

Introducing pure oxygen into the wort to increase the level of dissolved oxygen. More effective than aeration.

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1 answer

Counter-pressure bottle filler and exposure to oxygen

I have a question about the process of using a counter-pressure bottle filler to transfer beer from my keg into bottles and how to keep the beer from being exposed to Oxygen in the process. I'm using ...
Hosack's user avatar
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2 answers

Possible to de-oxygenate and de-skunk a beer?

Say a beer has been exposed to too much oxygen and it is now giving off cardboard and stale flavors (oxygen-related off-flavors). Say another beer has been exposed to too much light and is now ...
hotmeatballsoup's user avatar
2 votes
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Why is oxygen bad for mead?

I see comments on YouTube about how oxygen is bad for mead. However, according to Wikipedia, oxygen is good for yeast to develop resistance to alcohol.
Chloe's user avatar
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3 answers

Can I use oxygen tablets or liquid oxygen to oxygenate my water for yeast fermentation in mead?

I see 'bait buddies' and 'liquid oxygen' supplements. Can I use these to oxygenate the water to give the yeast nutrients when starting mead fermentation? None of them really say the actual ...
Chloe's user avatar
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Brewing a Flanders Red Bruin/Historic C18 Porter?

I am about to brew my first test batch of a Flanders Red/Brown. I am thinking Rodenbach, but with local ingredients. So, for me Maris replaces lager malt, Admiral and Progress replace nobel hops. ...
Mr_road's user avatar
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When to oxygenate when you delay pitching the yeast?

It's time for some summer brewing and that means the warm tap water running through my wort chiller will have trouble cooling my wort down below the upper 70s. Even for the Belgian style beer I'm ...
Taliesin's user avatar
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3 answers

Is **long** wort aeration a feasible alternative to using pure oxygen?

My idea is that instead of using pure oxygen to reach higher DO levels (fx 12ppm) one could use aeration that will only reach 8ppm. But since the purpose is to give the yeast access to enough oxygen ...
skyking's user avatar
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1 answer

Green apple taste with beer that used bucket with lid with no gasket

I kegged a black porter, from an extract kit 4 days ago, it is still carbonating. It has a green apple taste to it. I let it sit in the primary for 7 weeks, a midwest supplies 6.5 gal bucket w/ a ...
Brad's user avatar
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3 answers

Is oxygenating after brew day okay?

If you don't oxygenate on brew day, is it too late or can you oxygenate late? If so, are there limits?
Mild Fuzz's user avatar
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Is it bad to let air into my primary fermenter?

My beer has been in the primary for about 5 days now. I can only assume fermentation has stopped as its reached peak krauzen and the froth seems to be subsiding. I attempted to seal up my primary as ...
Phizzy's user avatar
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1 answer

Bernzomatic oxygen bottles to oxygenate beer

I bought a cylinder of Bernzomatic Oxygen on the advice of my local homebrew store. They sold me an adapter kit (w/ air stone) and I got the cylinder from Lowes (tool section). Picture of adapter ...
Todd's user avatar
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2 answers

Closed environment vs open environment in brewing

One thing that is very confusing for me right now is the dynamics of when to isolate the contents and when to aerate it. Like as soon as you finish boiling it's recommended to put a lot of oxygen by ...
matt_zarro's user avatar
4 votes
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Over oxygenating

Was reading about oxygenating wort, and the book was saying that the best amount of oxygen ppm is 10. It did say that over oxygenating was sometimes bad, but didn't state how much it took before it ...
Merchant's user avatar
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Does oxygen introduced during bottling get consumed by the yeast during carbing / conditioning?

I was just thinking about oxidization at bottling time... If you (accidentally) introduced oxygen into your beer when bottling, wouldn't this be used by the yeast the same way it is when you ...
BrianV's user avatar
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Why use Oxygen tanks to aerate wort, what are the benefits?

Do you notice any benefits in flavour or yeast activity over a regular air pump? By not blowing dirty air through your wort, could it keep down infections/contamination? Does pumping regular air ...
0 votes
1 answer

Can a lack of oxygen in wort lead to increased fusel alcohol?

Can a lack of oxygen in wort generate an increase in fusel alcohols given that a fermentation is still healthy/vigorous? Background for those who are interested I have been struggling to determine ...
fthinker's user avatar
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What is the proper way to supplement a yeast starter with oxygen via an aeration stone?

I have two yeast starters going on my two homemade stir plates. The stir bar or the stir plate for one of them is malfunctioning and I can not increase the speed enough to get a vortex going. It is ...
Matthew Moisen's user avatar
5 votes
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How long after bottling will the effects of oxygenation become apparent?

I think it is well understood in the brewing community that oxygen absorbing caps exist and are readily available. I don't keep any on-hand since my brews tend to be consumed rather quickly and are ...
Taliesin's user avatar
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7 votes
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Can Olive Oil REPLACE oxygenating wort

Apparently, New Belgium is doing this. Also, for a typical five gallon homebrew batch, it is said that if you DIPPED A PIN in olive oil, shook it off, it would still contain hundreds of times the ...
Pietro's user avatar
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What is causing a bad flavor after cold conditioning?

I've had something happen to a couple batches and can't figure out what's going on. What happens is a major flavor change after the first two weeks of primary, but for the worse. Normally my beers ...
Patrick Kafka's user avatar
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Cure for Oxygenation?

I was siphoning beer to a secondary fermentation vessel so that I could reuse the "primary" bucket. A steady stream of bubbles inside the cane part of the autosiphon should have set off alarm bells ...
Curt Hagenlocher's user avatar
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oxygen and yeast pitching rates

Many online references, such as BYO, mention that oxygen is needed by yeast to reproduce, and that a wort with low dissolved oxygen levels will have longer lag times and less attenuation. This might ...
mdma's user avatar
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Why would aeration cause diacetyl

My BJCP Course states that (too) late aeration can cause diacetyl. My understanding is that diacetyl is produced by yeast during the first phase of fermentation. How could too much oxygen in a ...
dana's user avatar
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Aerating a 1.10 OG beer once its in the secondary

I would like to start off by saying thank you to all who answer these questions. I have been brewing for about a year now and while I have not asked a question before, this is only attributed to ...
Ben Evers's user avatar
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What are good ways to reduce oxygen after racking a beer?

I haven't had any problems with homebrews going stale, but I'm curious about what people do to minimize introducing oxygen in later steps of the brewing process. If you have a closed brewing system, ...
Jerry C.'s user avatar
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Is leaving some cider in the primary bad?

When bottling my cider (FG 1.000) I ran out of bottles and saw this as an opportunity to flavour the remaining third and try racking. I added some boiled cinnamon and clove then left it for a day ...
Luke Rohde's user avatar
5 votes
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Oxygenating wort before boil

I've heard there are negative effects of oxygenating wort before a boil. I don't lauter right into my boil kettle, but just dump the wort into it when I hit my target volume. There's a lot of ...
PMV's user avatar
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How to measure wort oxygenation

As a follow-up to a couple of other questions: How to Properly Oxygenate Wort Wort aeration on a budget How do you measure oxygenation of wort? What methods are available for a beginner brewer (low-...
STW's user avatar
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5 answers

Is it necessary to aerate wort when pitching onto an existing yeast cake?

To my knowledge, aeration provides oxygen so that the yeast can reproduce before fermentation. If you're pitching onto an existing yeast cake, there should theoretically be enough yeast already to ...
Jeff L's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

How to Properly Oxygenate Wort

How much oxygen do I need to put into my wort? I've heard that homebrewers need to aerate with an oxygen stone and either aquarium pumps or oxygen. Is this true, or is shaking my carboy enough to ...
Brandon's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Do Oxygen Absorbing Caps Make Any Difference

So, I was looking to refill my supply of bottle caps and ran across "Oxygen Absorbing" bottle caps. The implication is that their absorbency will reduce oxidation in the bottled beer. If you're ...
J Wynia's user avatar
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How can you use an oaken barrel for secondary fermentation?

I may be able to get my hands on a oaken barrel that I'd love to age a Scottish ale in. What can I do to sanitize it adequately and minimize oxygen exposure?
Nick's user avatar
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