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Questions tagged [reusing-yeast]

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How to reuse/wash brettanomyces yeast

I made some apple cider with WLP648 brettanomyces. I'd like to try this yeast in some other experiments. Can I reuse brett like any other yeast? Can I pitch the lees/dregs into a new batch or can I ...
Matt's user avatar
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How to preserve an open box of dried yeast?

I want to ferment barley to make whisky (it is perfectly legal in my country, I'm not breaking any law!), the steps before distillation are almost the same than brewing beer (no hops in my case). I ...
Leevo's user avatar
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Reusing yeast yes/no and how much?

Just a quick question on reusing yeast. I am about to bottle a 40 pints of St-Peters cream stout this weekend I was going to save the yeast and use it again. I'm going to do a small 1 gallon batch of ...
John.C's user avatar
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Pitching stressed yeast cake (Wit)

I've recently made a wit and used Wyeast WLP 3944. I didn't have time to make a starter and only had one package of yeast. Beersmith estimated the package to be around 66% viable given the date on ...
user16487's user avatar
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Pink (or salmon) colored colonies on foam in starter flask

I noticed several small pink colonies on the foam of a second stage starter that I made from recovered yeast (originally Gigayeast: GY 054) that was mixed with 25% glycerin and frozen. They were not ...
42-'s user avatar
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Will reused yeast change beer taste?

I noticed that some breweries and home brewers reuse yeast for next batch. But from what I read about yeast mutation and generations that every new cell generation is bit different and can affect ...
Bomberis123's user avatar
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How long does it take for yeast to mutate into having other characteristics?

I have heard yeast can mutate when you re-use yeast, and when it goes through many yeast-generations. How long does it take for the yeast to mutate? Which factors have an impact on the ...
Rouse's user avatar
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Culture yeast from bottles

i have read that we can culture yeast from commercial bottle conditioned beers, So is it not the same that we can use a bottle of our own beer that has been made from a brew that used a White labs or ...
Custodian's user avatar
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Total Yeast Cell Count

I will give two examples of yeast cell count. First one is 0.34 B cells/ml in 6 liters of wort starter with just a few amount of slurry cake. 2nd one is 1.46 B cells/ml in 1 liter of starter including ...
Thant Htoo Aung's user avatar
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Chunky yeast Safeale-05 safe to pitch?

I just brewed American Red Ale, great fermentation, no off flavors. 11.25 lbs. Malteurop 2-row 0.75 lbs. Briess Caramel 60L 0.5 lbs. Belgian Special B But yeast, when fermentation is finished, looks ...
Iacovlev 's user avatar
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is my cider infected or is this normal for safaleUS05

Made a batch of cider with granny smith apples 13%brix. Juiced my self. used half or maybe less of Kmeta than what is suggested on the packet July 3: saf-ale US05 yeast. Starter was 2L apple juice ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Can I wash yeast with tap water or starsan?

I'm wondering what the easiest way to wash yeast after a brew might be, with the aim to store it in the fridge. The usual recommended method I've seen is to boil the water used for washing with the ...
Tim's user avatar
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Questions on keeping a yeast strain going over and over

I have a couple of yeast questions that I have not found the answer to yet. I recently washed my yeast from a batch of beer using something like this. I got 5 jars of yeast out of this, and I assume ...
Metropolis's user avatar
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What's the best method of storing yeast for 4 to 6 months in the refrigerator?

I've done a bit of research into different options of yeast storage and so far the least time consuming and most accessible methods seem to be: Making a slant from a yeast sample taken directly from ...
ScrapeHeap's user avatar
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Harvesting yeast

I just finished with my first brew and have collected the stuff left at the bottom of the primary in a well sanitized jar. 24 hours after in the refrigerator it has separated into two layers. One of ...
MikePainter's user avatar
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Yeast washed, combine containers?

We washed yeast from our last beer and now it's sitting in multiple containers in the fridge. The mixture is mostly water with some yeast at the bottom. Is it acceptable practice to combine the yeast ...
Stagleton's user avatar
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Yeast plate not showing single colonies

Why do my yeast plates end up looking like this? And not this? My yeast plate is composed of wort + agar.
fthinker's user avatar
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Is autolysis a problem when reusing yeast?

I've seen around here and in other sources that for homebrewers a secondary fermentation (concerning autolysis) isn't necessary, unless you're going to dry hoppy or something like that. My question is ...
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Which is better: old yeast from the primary fermentation or reused yeast from primary fermentation?

It's known that reuse yeast from early stages is better. But during the fermentation the reused yeast multiplies itself, producing newer cells. Said that, I'd like to know if it's better to use yeast ...
user avatar
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Should yeast be washed or just stored in the beer?

The answer to this question suggests yeast shouldn't be washed, is that really the current consensus? what if I'm brewing a different style? Won't the trub affect taste? Lots of hop residue there. ...
Cleber Goncalves's user avatar
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How did I manage to make apple sherry?

I have loads of apples in the garden and every year I make experimental 1-gallon batches of cider and apple wine (cider plus extra sugar). This year I tried to make a cider that wasn't ultra-dry, by ...
Dave45's user avatar
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Saving and storing yeast straight from the packet

I'm currently brewing 1 gallon batches. Say I have a liquid yeast smack pack that's for a 5 gallon batch. What I'd like to do is use about 1/4 to 1/3 of the pack and store the rest for later brews. ...
kevlar1818's user avatar
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Saving leftover saved yeast

I saved the yeast cake off my last batch, and tomorrow I'll be brewing again. The cake filled a growler, and after a week in the fridge has settled to about 2/3 yeast, 1/3 beer. After siphoning off ...
CDspace's user avatar
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Can I reuse brewing yeast as a nutritional yeast?

I have a budding vegan in the house. Even after reusing yeast for brewing I send a lot of yeast to the compost bin. Has anyone out there used the yeast as a nutritional supplement? If so, could any ...
emsr's user avatar
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Why Reuse Yeast?

Sorry for seeming clueless, but I am clueless. I've only brewed about 15 batches, or less, of extract beers. Thus far, I've always bought prepackaged recipe "kits" similar to a Betty Croker cake mix. ...
Ugly Dude's user avatar
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How do I save yeast to be reused?

I'm fairly new to beer (6 batches), I was using gelatin to clear my primary, but it has been noted that I then loose the ability to reuse the yeast. I have been using American Ale II liquid yeast and ...
Quentin's user avatar
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How does a beginner manage their yeast farm?

I'm about 6 batches into my AG brewing and my fridge is slowly getting filled with jars of yeast I've been harvesting, each labelled so I can tell which batch they came from. So far I've been ...
Doug's user avatar
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How high in ABV can a beer be before the yeast is too stressed to re-use?

I've recently taken advantage of White Labs switch to year-round availability of WLP090, as this rocket fuel of a yeast strain is very attenuative, very clean, fast, and floccuates beautifully. I ...
Scott's user avatar
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Yeast rinsing with store bought water?

Just starting to get into yeast management and in every instance I can find describing how to rinse yeast people are boiling water, letting it cool and continuing from there. What would be the ...
Ryan Shdo's user avatar
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Can I wash/re-use all that yeast in the blowoff

Last night, I put my 1.130+ (it wasn't until midnight when I finished that I noticed that it was higher than my hydrometer and refractometer could go) wort in the carboy to ferment. I wake up this ...
Scott's user avatar
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Can Lalvin EC-1118 be reused?

I'll make a cider with Lalvin EC-1118, but I want to know if there's a chance to harvest the yeast cake after fermentation. Normally, I don't have problems reusing ale yeast, but this champagne yeast ...
Geo Perez's user avatar
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Is it normal for WY2112 to stall?

I've made three batches with the same colony of WY2112, and each one of them has exhibited the same odd behavior. I pitch a good quantity of yeast into oxygenated wort at 65 degrees F. Within 24 hours ...
FishesCycle's user avatar
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Can marmite be made from brew yeast leftovers?

If you don't know what marmite is you can stop reading now. A friend of a friend reckons you can make marmite from the yeast leftovers of your brew. Does anyone know how to do this? Any one have a ...
Poshpaws's user avatar
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Yeast harvesting

I have just read an article about harvesting yeast ( The author talks about making a starter and taking a part of the starter ...
Flyhard's user avatar
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Reusing vs using new yeast [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How many times can yeast be reused? I have read in a couple of places that you should only reuse yeast a couple of times - most say up to 5 times because you would get an ...
Flyhard's user avatar
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Harvested Yeast - What are these layers and do I have too much?

I harvested yeast a few weeks back from my hefeweizen (Wyeast 3068) which I had open fermented. To harvest, I scrapped it right off the top, after ~36 hours of fermenting, with a sanitized spoon. I ...
hartski's user avatar
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Making a starter when reusing yeast

I want to reuse the washed yeast from a previous batch of beer in my next batch. Should I make a starter for it? If so, how much of it? I looked at MrMalty, and it seems to me they tell me not to make ...
Flyhard's user avatar
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Yeast Washing - danger in long seperation times?

I attempted my first yeast washing last night after bottling. I added 1 quart of boiled-then-cooled water to my carboy, swished the yeast cake into suspension, then filled 2 quart jars, each about 3/...
user2101's user avatar
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Top Cropping Cell Counts

TLDR: I have no idea how much top-cropped yeast to pitch into a ~1.055 OG Octoberfest (5.5 gallons) I am planning on making an Octoberfest (late I know) on August 18th. Instead of making a boring ...
Pietro's user avatar
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Measuring yeast in a slurry

Please tell me if I'm being overly simplistic here. I was reading the book yeast by Chris White and Jamil Zainasheff. In the book, they talk about measuring how many cells are in a slurry by using a ...
daveb's user avatar
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Storing Yeast Slurry

If I take a yeast slurry from a batch of beer, wash it and store it in a sanitized container - how long can I leave this yeast slurry in the fridge before repitching? I'm thinking of leaving it in the ...
BrotherLogic's user avatar
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Can ale yeast be used weeks after it's opened (Safale S-04)?

Second-time brewer (to be). When I did my first kit brew, I didn't want to mess anything up, and the instructions I was following told me to avoid the yeast sachet taped to the top of the LME can and ...
makdad's user avatar
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Repitching yeast on back to back brews, which one first?

I'm brewing two beers back to back so I can reuse some White Labs California Ale (WLP001). One is a basic APA 1.058 OG and the Other is a Scottish Export/80 1.051 OG. Is there any reason I should ...
Patrick Kafka's user avatar
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US-05 Fermentation Temperatures / Top Cropping

Brewed a 1.060 OG IPA last night (extract), pitched a packet of US-05 reconstituted with 5 ounces of water. Pitched at 68 degrees, but I wanted a clean fermentation with minimal esters, so I have the ...
Pietro's user avatar
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11 answers

Can I dry my own yeast to make it relatively shelf stable? How?

Obviously, it can be done, as dry yeast works for fermenting beer. I go sometimes a month or two between batches, and carrying over one yeast culture across beers seems a bit of a pain. How is dried ...
Jeremy Holovacs's user avatar
6 votes
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Phosphoric Acid Wash for Yeast

I love recycling yeast, see it as a great way to save money, and if you find a good one, they are great to use over and over again. I was chatting with a guy in my homebrew club who is a distiller (...
Pietro's user avatar
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10 votes
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How many times can yeast be reused?

A good yeast sample can be retrieved, stored & reused regularly across brews. Is there a limit to the number of generations a sample can last? I've heard that after so many generations a strain ...
Mark McDonald's user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

Using trub directly vs. yeast rinsing.

Sometimes referred to as "yeast washing," the process of yeast rinsing separates the yeast from the hops and break material in the trub. Most brewers who reuse yeast — and store it for long ...
Dustin Rasener's user avatar
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Is pouring down on a lager yeast cake any different from pouring down on an ale yeast cake?

I've made pouring down on the yeast cake of a prior batch my standard way of making big beers. Now I'm moving into lagers and I want to know if there's any difference. Lagers have a much higher ...
Rich Armstrong's user avatar
33 votes
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How to clean yeast

I like reusing yeast to save money, and I like having my own "house" yeast. However sooner or later my yeast eventually dies and becomes unusable. I have a feeling that each time I repitch, I'm ...
PMV's user avatar
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