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Questions tagged [chilling]

The process of cooling hot wort after the boil or whirlpool phase of beer making.

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2 votes
2 answers

Options for recirculating water chiller

I'm starting to homebrew and noticed that during the cooling process A LOT of water is used going through the counterflow chiller. I'm on a well, and I'd like to minimize water usage, especially ...
grytkonst's user avatar
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Grainfather Glycol Chiller

A home brewing group I am with has a Grainfather Glycol Chiller. It has been working fine until yesterday. We turned it on and we had an issue. The pump is working and circulating but the chiller is ...
LemonJeBoum's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

When should the whirlpool be done?

Whirlpooling is great for clarifying the beer from hops and other things. As far as I understand, this whirlpool step is usually done right after the boiling, by making the wort rotates and leaving ...
Zeugm_A's user avatar
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How to properly use the same coil of an HERMS setup as chiller?

I'm assembling an HERMS equipment and noticed that very few people use the coil as chiller after the boiling is over. Besides all the sanitation of tubing, lines, pump, etc..., is there any other ...
rondonctba's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How does chilling my wort slowly affect the taste of my beer?

When I started brewing I used a plate chiller to chill my wort. I didn't like the process, and now I add cold water after the whirlpool and to get the wort down the last 10°C I put into my ...
Oliver Hörold's user avatar
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Wort chiller length, will 30 feet work for a 10 gallon batch?

I just bought 30 feet (~10m) of 3/8'' (9.5mm) copper tube, and before coiling it, I would like to get advice if it will work for a 10 gal (~50l) batch, what I'm asking for is if anyone has had ...
Elio Diaz's user avatar
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When to oxygenate when you delay pitching the yeast?

It's time for some summer brewing and that means the warm tap water running through my wort chiller will have trouble cooling my wort down below the upper 70s. Even for the Belgian style beer I'm ...
Taliesin's user avatar
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3 answers

Immersion wort chiller length

Will a 50 feet copper immersion wort chiller chill twice as fast as a 25 feet? I was thinking that once the water has absorbed all the heat it can, it doesn't matter how long it will travel in the ...
Philippe's user avatar
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4 answers

Conserve water used in immersion chilling?

After reading this question about the amount of water used in immersion chilling (and various other wort chilling), I realized just how much water was being used in a standard brew. This seems quite ...
NeatoBandito's user avatar
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Does force chilling have the same effect as regular chilling as far as carbonation absorption is concerned?

I have a "Maytag Handy Chiller" - it's a great kitchen tool for chilling a bottle of wine in a few minutes which works buy circulating ice water over a bottle ( and optionally rotating it too ) to get ...
byronyasgur's user avatar
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2 answers

Is this chill haze?

Did a BIAB IPA last night and this is what the wort looks like. The cooling method was an ice bath that took 45 minutes. Is this chill haze? Thanks!
mstrom's user avatar
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4 answers

Where should I take the temperature while cooling wort?

Extract brewing here: After the boil, I put my pot into an ice bath to cool the wort before topping off. Generally I cool the wort to 100°F (37°C) before transferring to the fermenter. Today I cooled ...
founddrama's user avatar
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When to stop the whirlpool pump in an immersion whirlpool chiller?

What is the best temperature to stop the pump in an immersion whirlpool chiller ? And what about the time to wait the trub settling vs wort temperature ? Consider both Ale and Lager.
Luciano's user avatar
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Transfert wort in a cube then chill it

I just started the hobby and only brewed two kits. So far I brewed in a 5L (1.3G) kettle. I did the chilling by using a cold bath in my kitchen sink. So far so good. I plan to buy a proper brew ...
Flanfl's user avatar
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Immersion/Whirpool chiller design for good trub cone formation

Considering the best trub cone formation in the wort (settling in the center), what aspects shall we have in mind when designing a serpentine (coil) to chill wort (immersed in it) with whirlpool (re-...
Luciano's user avatar
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2 answers

Using my immersion chiller in ice bath instead of wort

I've been thinking about using my copper immersion chiller a little differently lately... Instead of placing it in the wort near the end of the boil and circulating cold water through it, I'm ...
Dmac the Destroyer's user avatar
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Chilling wort in a fridge

I have a spare mini fridge that can hold inside my fermenter and i was thinking instead of spending water with my immersion chiller to rack my wort from my kettle and place the fermenter in to the ...
Polis's user avatar
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2 answers

Using Square Polypropylene container for no chill brewing

I have two, square Cambro brand containers, one 12L the other 21L. These are made from Polypropylene and have square lids. I am interested in using these for a no chilling my wort, I am wondering if ...
ricardoom's user avatar
6 votes
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What is Chill Haze and How Do I get rid of Chill Haze?

What is Chill Haze?How Do I get rid of Chill Haze?
Another Compiler Error's user avatar
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No chill cubes storage

How long can I store the wort in the no chill cube? Does it need to be used as soon as its cooled down or relatively quickly?
Jared Meyering's user avatar
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No chill cubes - which material?

What material do the cubes need to be made of? is there a worry about the plastic of the cubes leeching into the hot wort after X number of uses?
Jared Meyering's user avatar
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No chill brewing

What are the benefits of no chill brewing? Are there downsides to the method? I am Specifically thinking of the no chill cubes.
Jared Meyering's user avatar
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Pitching yeast the next day?

If I wake up and decide to brew an impromptu batch, can I begin a starter at the same time and just pitch the next day? Seems comparable to no-chill brewing as far as contamination concerns, though ...
AtkinsonCM's user avatar
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Plate Chiller Use

First of all, I currently use a copper immersion chiller to cool my wort. It works, but takes at least 30 minutes to get below 100 and then i transfer and put it in my fermentation chamber till i ...
Jason V's user avatar
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Using Pyrex Graham condenser as counterflow chiller?

So for the few months that my wife & I have been brewing, we've been using the sink/icebath method of cooling our wort. This is mostly because of our erratic brewing schedule. Every cost, no ...
Peter R's user avatar
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2 answers

Should the late addition portion of a recipe be altered based on immersion, counterflow, whirlpooling techiques?

When it comes to late addition hops (or other late aeromatics), it seems to me that there might be significant differences in aroma extraction / utilization as the brewer executes different chilling ...
Dale's user avatar
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Chilling with top-off water

I'm currently extract brewing. I have a large (~8 gal) pot and a good burner, so I've got the capability to brew full-wort. However, I find that chilling 4-5 gallons in an ice bath is very ...
chase's user avatar
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Chilling wort using ice packs

I now have an immersion wort chiller, it does a pretty decent job chilling boiling wort to around 85-90F very fast, about 5 minutes, but from there to 65-70 it takes a lot, maybe 15 minutes more and I ...
Gustavo Del Castillo's user avatar
7 votes
8 answers

Chilling wort before pitching yeast

I know it is important to chill wort to <80 before pitching yeast, and that quality of final beer is affected by the speed with which the wort was chilled to this point, and there are various ...
blasbek's user avatar
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Risk/Reward Question: Should you leave the lid off while chilling wort that is high in DMS?

I was listening to one of the recent Q&A Brew Strong podcasts and Palmer offhandedly mentioned leaving the lid of your kettle off while chilling wort to prevent condensate (with DMS in it) from ...
Hop the Mad Alchemist's user avatar
7 votes
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Can a wort be cooled too much?

When chilling the wort after a boil, if it falls below the yeast's operating temperature, should I wait until the temperature comes back up before adding the yeast? I typically chill my wort with a ...
brentmc79's user avatar
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Optimal counterflow wort chiller

I am planning to build a counterflow wort chiller using a hose outside of a copper tube. There are a great variety of lengths and types available commercially and I have read that many commercial ...
Mike S's user avatar
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2 answers

Recirculating wort chiller

I am building an recirc arm for my chilling set up. Should my recirc have a gentle bend in it to 90degrees or would it be OK to just use a 90degree elbow of a piece of straight pipe under the wort ...
brewchez's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

What are the effects of slower cooling of wort?

Tonight's extract brewing had us waiting 30 minutes to get down to a reasonable temp. What did we lose in the process?
Rich Armstrong's user avatar
4 votes
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Is the price of copper making plate chillers the better choice?

This copper-in-plastic counter-flow chiller seems to mitigate the effect that the high price of copper has on all-copper counter-flow chillers. I'm not sure the Chillzilla even has to have an all-...
Rich Armstrong's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

What is a whirlpool chiller?

What is a Whirlpool Chiller and how does it work? What are the advantages or disadvantages?
brewchez's user avatar
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5 answers

Small Space & Apartment Brewing: The Chill

Given the limited space of an apartment, how can you achieve a good chill? Do not consider budget to be a factor. This is the fifth question in a series of discussions about small-space brewing. ...
Homebrew Holli's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Whirlpool hop additions

What is the real difference between a whirlpool hop addition and a flameout hop addition? The practice of whirlpooling is more of a pro-equipment setup type of technique, but I have seen and heard ...
brewchez's user avatar
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Stirring the wort...

This is probably an incredibly stupid question, but I thought I would ask anyway. While the wort is cooling down is it recommended to stir it to help the cool down process?
Tony Rufkahr's user avatar