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secondary or not? [duplicate]

Another noob question. I have been going back and forth on "im going to secondary my double IPA" and "Im just gonna leave it primary til completion" I keep reading contradicting theories and It's ...
Patrick Tyler's user avatar
59 votes
4 answers

What's the point of secondary fermentation?

I've always bottled directly after the primary fermentation has finished. What's the point of the secondary fermentation? Can I use a bucket or is it something that really necessitates a glass carboy?
travis's user avatar
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of transferring to a secondary vs. a long primary?

The conventional wisdom in homebrewing has been challenged in recent years. This wisdom held that a beer should be transferred from the primary fermentation vessel to a secondary one after 7-10 days. ...
Dustin Rasener's user avatar
7 votes
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What is the minimum time required to have drinkable beer?

From reading What is the secondary fermentation debate? and If/When to move to secondary fermentation it appears that beer can be considered ready to consume (assuming force carbonation or a love of ...
fthinker's user avatar
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Creating a fruit saison: when to add the fruit and rack to secondary?

I want to create a fruit saison, I used some interesting hops (centenial and citra) and intend to rack to secondary ontop of the fruit puree (I will also dry hop with citra). The question I now have ...
Lucas Kauffman's user avatar
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Oxidization during transfer

It has become clear that I need to practice my transfer techniques; I just completed a primary-to-secondary transfer which involved what I'm guessing is a fairly significant amount of aeration. ...
object88's user avatar
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How can I filter out a large amount of loose sediment from my primary?

My current brew is a hard ginger beer, calling for a pound of grated ginger in my 3 gallon primary. Fermentation is slowing and unfortunately a lot of that ginger remains unsettled--the bottom 3" of ...
STW's user avatar
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Will secondary further clear my IPA?

I am fairly new to beer making (5 batches) and have good success, but am trying to fine tune my process. I have an IPA which fermented well and cleared nicely in the primary with gelatin and a cool ...
Quentin's user avatar
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Fruit Beer: When to rack to secondary?

Right now, I'm working on a peach wheat beer. I pitched about 5 days ago now, and the airlock stopped bubbling yesterday. I'm going to do a gravity reading later on today to see if it's finished. My ...
fire.eagle's user avatar
3 votes
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Why (if) should I do secondary fermentation? [duplicate]

I like to kees things simple, and I do not like to clean stuff, so adding secondary fermentation is something that bores me... Should I do it instead? What are the advantages and resons of doing it?
Paolo's user avatar
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Minimal neccesary time in primary/seconday for a barleywine-braggot

I am still rather beginner (so far a couple of batches), but for the last batch I have taken a brave (irresponsible) step and went for a barley wine-braggot beer. For batch of 22 l In have used +- 6 ...
Vhailor's user avatar
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5 answers

Secondary Fermentation for my beer, yes or no?

I've brewed many batches of beer all with the extract method. All Brewers Best kits. I've generally let them sit in primary for one week then secondary for another before kegging. I've always been a ...
Dave's user avatar
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Why is it common practice to rack off primary for secondary re-fermentation?

Why is it recommended to perform a secondary fermentation (an actual "sugars were added to cause a second fermentation" secondary fermentation) in a secondary vessel, as opposed to fermenting the beer ...
Scott's user avatar
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did I rack to secondary fermentation too early?

my first home brew, be gentle. golden malt, Rye malt ale started at 1.052, and I just racked it @ 1.022 and dry hopped it per the recipe. did I rack to secondary fermentation too early?
DefyGravity's user avatar
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Secondary for ciders and wines

Latest consensus seems to indicate that racking to a secondary when making beer in small scale is not recommended anymore. Is racking to a secondary still recommended for making ciders or wines? If ...
cyco130's user avatar
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