Cell growth in a yeast starter is dependent on the volume of starter wort. Palmer states that as a general rule of thumb, a 1 liter starter roughly doubles the cell count while a 3 liter starter about triples it.
Other than the fact that Zainashef cites slightly different figures, I believe that Palmer's rule is an oversimplification. The Mr. Malty calculator distinguishes between a simple starter, an oxygenated simple starter, an intermittently shaken starter, a continuously aerated starter and a stir plate.
However, the tab that selects these options doesn't seem to do anything (at least not on my 'puter). I'm also not sure how Mr. Malty deals with inoculation rates.
So. Are there comparative growth factor estimates available that compare the above starters? And what about reliable growth-vs-volume graphs?
Any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated!