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Aging lambic beer

I'm a beginner when it comes to brewing but have two batches of lambic beer coming up. My question is if they have to be aged in a glass carboy or if they can be poured straight into a bottle along ...
1 vote
2 answers

How foolish is it to try to make up for my tripel's shortish secondary by bottle conditioning it longer?

I'm attempting to brew a wide variety of beers (both 2.5 & 5 gallon batches depending on style) in a shortish time span in order to serve at a family reunion in the summer, and now it looks like I ...
2 votes
1 answer

How long should a Belgian Strong Dark Ale be aged?

How long should a clone of Gulden Draak be aged before comparing it to the real stuff? Our club is trying to get our clone recipe as close as possible, so want to tweak the recipe to get it closer to ...
6 votes
3 answers

How long should Belgian Blonde beer be aged?

I'd like to reuse my Belgian yeast (Zymoferm Z039 Belgische Klosterbiere und Ales) and I'm looking for information on how long various Belgian beers should be matured. My cellar capacity is very ...