I'm brewing a solera mead experiment at home. It's on a six month rotation, so every six months I make a new batch, let that sit for a month, and them go down the line bottling the oldest and refilling all the carboys. There are four carboys in this chain so a full two years of aging for each batch. I just finished the very first of these that I started back in Aug of 2021. I was pleased with the aroma and color but when I went to take a gravity measure and calculate out my final ABV, I ended with 6.9%. Much lower than I was hoping for. My aim was 12%-18%.
Recipe measurements:
- .5 gal Spring Water
- 2.5 lbs clover honey
- .7 grams Lalvin-71B yeast
- 1.25oz various dried herbs
- OG: 1.144
- FG: 1.093
If anyone has any ideas what I may have done wrong, or what I could do to get the results I'm looking for, I would love to know.