Can someone please give me a hand calculating Mash Efficiency manually? I use mostly Gladfield malt along with some cara 'x's' and BeerSmith 3 but would like to calculate manually so I have a grasp of what's going on.
Base recipe in Kilograms for 25 Litres wort:
American Ale malt (Gladfield) 5.5, CARAMALT 0.5 CRYSTAL LIGHT 0.3
The SG's I get from Beersmith are 1.037, 1.035 and 1.035 respectively.
I am not sure how to convert this to potential points for Kilograms and Litres before working out the overall mash efficiency. I think the first part of the calculation is just to multiply these together, which gives: 203.5 (5.5x37 etc.), 17.5 and 10.5. From here, I'm not sure what conversion Beersmith has used to gain their efficiency estimate. Can anyone assist? Cheers