I am still having mash efficiency issues. Here's my original post: Poor mash efficiency - help please
With my last brew, I was trying to do a double IPA for 8.8% IOG: 1.08 but ended up with 1.06. I even did a reiterated mash which I thought was almost fool proof...Also did an iodine test which turns out doesn't mean what I thought it meant (realise now it's about starch conversion, but that starch has to be adequately released first for the test to matter). Anyway, here are the things I have tried and still getting terrible efficiency:
Stirring Mash - every 15 mins or so
Mash time - 60-70 mins + mashout
Grind - grind my own grain and have a bit of flour, can't grind much finer. I do need to get a feeler gauge though to ensure it's the same measure each time.
Water ratio - have increased this from earlier to 3.5l/kg
Mash Acidity - High - corrected down to 5.2-5.3ph
Hot Sparge - Yes
Iodine test - Yes (never ends up black after 40 mins)
Water - generally add a small amount of calcium chloride
Any other considerations would be great.