I just brewed a witbier that was way below the estimated preboil gravity of 1.49. I only got 1.34 in case you're wondering. I've never had that bad of an efficiency before. The grains came prepackaged and my guess it that either the total weight of the grain was light and/or some of it wasn't crushed properly. Or, for whatever reason my brewhouse or my brain decided to take a break that day. RHAHB.
To get it back up to the expected preboil gravity I added DME to get it to 1.49, or so says my hydrometer after my temp adjustment. I must have done something wrong in my calcs, because my OG ended being 1.66 instead of 1.56. That, combined with my yeast starter is going to prove a very boozy witbier. More than I want, actually.
I've already pitched and want to see through the fermentation process without topping off, partly because I want to see if I can notice the difference (isn't that what homebrewing is all about?) and partly because I don't want to mess with the primary since my blowoff tube looks like I've just brewed a DIPA. If I find it too boozy am I able to top-off after the primary?
I can always add water in the secondary or the keg before I force carbonate. Physically adding water to reduce the PPG in not an issue, but I'm not sure if there are any ramifications to the beer itself.