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kegging and carbonation

I am kegging my first batch ever in the next two weeks. It's a double IPA. My questions are: What pressure is ideal for serving. do i need to turn off my tank every night? Will leaving it on cause ...
Patrick Tyler's user avatar
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Why did beer get into my gas lines from my corny keg?

I think I know the answer to this, but I'd like to see an answer listing more conclusively the different reasons why this happens. Some causes I've seen listed: High pressure plus shaking can cause ...
paul's user avatar
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Is there a quicker way to carbonate a corny keg?

Currently, if I want my beer "today" I put the gas into the out tube at the desired target pressure. I then rest the keg on my lap and gently rock it for about 20 mins, until I don't hear any more ...
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