My father started a small cultivation of hemp (~ 2 ha) for business. I would like to start to make my beer from hemp. Unfortunately i am an absolute beginner on this subject.

  • Which are the most delicate steps?
  • Are there some references of this kind?

2 Answers 2


The only beer I know of that uses hemp is Uinta Dubhe (pronounced 'doobie'). In this episode of Can You Brew It, the brewer talks about how he uses it and how it can be pretty tricky to deal with. I believe he says that it turns to a peanut-butter-like mush in the mash tun.

He does not malt the hemp, but he may roast it. It's been a while since I listened to the episode and I don't remember.


I assume the Hemp kernels would have to be malted? I'm really not sure. I'm guessing you would still use a base malt for the majority of your mash (2 row pale barley) and use the hemp as a specialty malt. I do remember a Hemp beer from Greece I has several years ago in Ajax. It was really nice, a unique flavour. Keep digging. Someone has tried this before I gaurentee! Good luck.

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