When making an IPA yesterday, I decided to throw in every last hop leaf and pellet I had laying around. It turned out to be quite a bit. Also, due to a lack of space, I decided to use my kettle as a primary fermenter. So at the end of the boil, I tried getting as much hops out as possible. We had a small taste of the cooled wort, labelled it as "incredibly bitter" and moved on.
Today, about 14 hours after pitching, this hopstrosity looks like this:
My question is, Should I try to remove all the hop leaf / sludge floating on top of the krausen?
Basically, I don't want the green / leafy taste from leaving plant material in the wort for too long. And while this vigorous fermentation is taking place, it has presented me with an opportunity to reach in and pull the hop material out with a ladle.