I bought an 1800 watt induction cooktop and 2 1000 watt bucket heaters that unfortunately were not able to boil 6.5 gallons of H2O in 90 minutes, although it appeared to get close and perhaps 0.5-1.0 gallons evaporated over the time.
I've read that brewers using induction cooktops sometimes add Reflextic or other insulation material to help the boil out, but in the pictures they all use lids.
Given that I'm using the bucket heaters, I can not seal the lid on.
Pardon the ignorance, but would insulation help the boil materially, if the lid was off?
Edit --
Well, I bought the Reflectix and adjusted it for my kettle:
It seemed to help the kettle heat up faster -- but the water never began to boil without me placing a lid on it, at which point it began to boil.