So, I am very new to home brewing, my first batch has been fermenting for about a week. I have been a beer enthusiast for years, so I am really enthusiastic about this new hobby of mine. By trade, I am a computer scientist and I specialize in data analytics. I use a tool called QlikView, to build analytical applications, and it is really powerful in spotting relationships between data.
So, I have an idea to build up a database (really, just a series of Excel Spreadsheets) and then load them into a QlikView application to allow us home brewers to do some analysis on the composition of existing beers, to allow us to "tinker" with a recipe based on ingredients that are shared in beers we like.
An example I can think of... say I have three favorite IPAs, if I saw that they all share a common hop then I would view this as a hop I must really like in a beers. The idea would be to try to build up new recipes based on common components across potentially different clusters of beers someone may like. This could extend beyond just the ingredients, also into the brewing process and additions, etc.
So, my question is, has anyone tried something like this? (obviously, not necessarily in the tool I am suggesting). Also, is there a good repository of beer recipes out there I could use to seed this database? Also, would anyone be interested in joining in such a project?
No financial angle here, I am wanting to build something useful that would be openly shared.