I've added a bunch of sugar to brews before, upwards of 30% of the grain weight and I'm yet to get any cidery flavors. You always hear sugar causes cider, but all I've ever noticed is a thinner body.

Has anybody ever had a noticable flavor effect of adding sugar, intentionally or unintentionally, if so, how much did you add?

  • I believe this also depends on the type of sugar used.
    – idiom
    Commented Nov 12, 2010 at 1:31

1 Answer 1


I've never really gotten "cidery" flavors from adding sugars. From what I've read the sugar needs to be from 40% - 50% to get these flavors.

I will say that adding too much sugar to a brew can give you some "hot" alcohol flavors that take time to mellow.

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