I've made three demijohns of elderflower wine, and after fermentation stopped and I racked the wine, then all three demijohns started sucking in the liquid which is in the airlock. We have had some unusually hot weather here in the UK, and I believe the reason for this negative pressure in the demijohn is due to the cooling down at night. Not sure.
The liquid I used in the airlock is last year's bad batch of elderflower wine, all freeze-distilled. It's a rather strong alcoholic thing. You wouldn't want to drink it, but it has worked well as cleaning fluid or insect-repellent airlock juice before.
Recipe said, to leave the wine in the demijohn for eight weeks after racking. After ten days, When I saw the airlock was getting sucked in, I panicked and then bottled the wine! Is my wine likely to be ruined? Is there a way to tell so soon?