I've bottled about 15-20 batches, but I am ready to keg for the first time. I see the table that has been rep[roduced on quite a few websites, and it has 3 examples with a range for the Volumes of CO2 desired. British, Most others, High Carb.

I'm assuming my blonde ale falls into the "Most other beers" category, but I dont know what value I want. Should I just set my CO2 at the mid range and hope for the best?

1 Answer 1


That's a rather simplified set of guidelines for carbonation levels. Different styles have different historical ranges of volumes of CO₂. I'd start there (or from a similar source), and then use the PSI/temp/volumes table to find the right values.

  • That is exactly what I was looking for jsled! Thanks!
    – Ugly Dude
    Commented Jan 21, 2014 at 22:56

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