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4 votes

Help! Brewed same IPA recipe multiple times and this time not as hoppy!

IBU perception can vary a lot but what you're estimating is about half the IBU making this IPA more like a Pale Ale. If everything was "the same" for this brew. I'd say you had old hops. When ...
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar
2 votes

Help! Brewed same IPA recipe multiple times and this time not as hoppy!

Your finishing gravity always that high? Seems a bit high given the OG and the residual sugars could affect perceived bitterness. If the beer is finished, there is no way to add real bitterness. ...
uSlackr's user avatar
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Floating fibres in Bochet mead

Looks normal Some yeast will flocculate into snowflake clumps or even strands. Jack M05 is rated as a high flocculation yeast.
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar

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