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8 votes

Is malt + wheat still a SMaSH?

I would think not. SMaSH means single malt and a single hops. The point is simplicity and purity, where emphasize the flavor of a single malt and single hops. Adding additional ingredients will change ...
Avi Hirsch's user avatar
4 votes

Kveik yeast instead of US-05?

I used Omega Lutra Kveik on a Bells THA clone last month and it turned out great. There is usually this slippery mouthfeel with the US-05 which wasn't there with the Lutra. I couldn't believe how ...
HomeBrew's user avatar
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Kveik yeast instead of US-05?

Last Australian summer I did a few brews with Lallemand brand Kveik dry yeast at ambient temperatures around 26degC (79degF); actual fermentation got to between 28-29degC (82-84degF) according to my ...
Peter Cotton's user avatar
4 votes

Kveik yeast instead of US-05?

We did a "Farmhouse IPA" a year or so ago with Omega's Voss Kveik yeast and fermented it at 90°F. I was pleasantly surprised with how clean it was. It had the expected citrus-y notes, and ...
Franklin P Combs's user avatar
2 votes

How necessary are specialty malts in an extract brew?

Different specialty malts affect your beer differently: color malts: color, body roasted malts: toasty, chocolate, roasted, or coffee flavor cara-... malts: caramel flavor, mouthfeel, head retention ...
Robert's user avatar
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2 votes

How necessary are specialty malts in an extract brew?

I assume when you describe "specialty malts" you are talking about the whole grain components of a partial mash recipe. Strictly speaking specialty malts are any grains besides the base malt. To ...
BBS's user avatar
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2 votes

Is malt + wheat still a SMaSH?

According to Drew Beecham's article in November/December 2012 Zymurgy and associated presentation (subscription required), the term SMaSH was coined on and, of course means, Single ...
Dale's user avatar
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Does suspended yeast contribute to high SG?

The analogy used with stones in water is a poor one, the reason being that stones are large and follow stokes law for particle size. They most certainly sink immediately, however, if you crushed up ...
Arran Sharples's user avatar
2 votes

Does a beer with one malt and one hop PLUS adjuncts count as a SMASH?

Yes, as you said "A SMASH beer is Single Malt And Single Hop". And wheat malt is still a malt. So yes, you can call it a SMASH beer.
dmtaylor's user avatar
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1 vote

Kveik yeast instead of US-05?

I have done a couple of brews with Voss Kevik and I think it would work well. I have used it in the past, not in IPAs, but I see no reason why it should not work for you. Got a big batch of brewing ...
Mr_road's user avatar
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Converting recipe from pellet hops to wet hops

Pellet hops are considered 15% more efficient at utilization than dry hops (according to Charles Faram) meaning for 100g of pellets you would need 115g of dry hops for the same recipe. Using the ...
joe92's user avatar
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1 vote

Is malt + wheat still a SMaSH?

Generally a SMASH is a simple recipe to experiment with a single ingredient at a time To be true to the acronym one would only be able to play with base malts and bittering hops. But this isn't the ...
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar
1 vote

How necessary are specialty malts in an extract brew?

To answer this question, let's examine a few things that we know. For the most part, DME or LME (particularly, the light or pale) is made mostly from 2-row barley malt, which is notoriously ...
CharlieHorse's user avatar
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