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When wanting to add a fruity taste

Given that you would like to add fruit flavor to the same vessel that you plan to use for serving, adding actual fruit might become problematic. If you were attempting to add fruit flavor in a ...
Dale's user avatar
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3 votes

Use of green tea to flavor beer

I've heard of this being done a couple different ways but more or less the same set of variables as with adding coffee to beer. Adding the tea to secondary for a few days to effectively cold-steep ...
thesquaregroot's user avatar
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Flavoring Cider at bottling

The advice given to me by a professional cider brewer was to put the fruit flavouring in at the last possible moment i.e. At bottling. Use natural fruit pressed and filtered. I have put a small amount ...
Alan Coole's user avatar
2 votes

Flavoring Cider at bottling

Are you making still cider or sparkling cider? If you are making sparkling cider than your plan should work since the amount of sugar is negligible. If you are making still cider, you might get a ...
farmersteve's user avatar
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Flavoring Kombucha with herbs

We use flavoring ingredients like herbs and berries during the initial steep. We don't add anything after the fermentation. We use mint in one of our recipes, and it works well. The advice I would ...
chanson42's user avatar
2 votes

Adding a cherry flavour to cider

All techniques you mention will work, e.g. juice, syrup or fresh fruits. The only concern would be that you will have a fermented cherry flavor, which may not be the same as the fresh cherries you ...
JeanMi's user avatar
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Adding a cherry flavour to cider

I second JeanMi, fruit or syrup will work. Traditionally the Belgian brewers would add the cherries to the fermented beer then leave it in the conditioning tanks for 12 months as the cherries get ...
Mr_road's user avatar
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Use of "potions" / secondary

Only if there were more fermentables added from the "potion", i.e. fruit juice or other sugars.
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar

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