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5 votes

PET Bottle shelf life

IMHO PET bottles will keep beer very well for up to 6 months. Beer can be kept longer than that but I have noticed that "fizzy drinks" PET bottles can lose pressure after a year or so. Apparently the ...
barking.pete's user avatar
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Transporting over carbonated glass bottles

If the beer is overcarbonated, I'd just degas it. Lift the cap of each bottle, let the CO2 escape until the foam reaches the cap, let go; repeat as many times as necessary, waiting for the foam to ...
mingos's user avatar
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4 votes

Is it OK to bottle condition using previously contaminated bottles?

If the bottles are very contaminated say with sediment sticking and or even if they have been open for a while and have fungal growth inside. You still don’t need to throw away, do the following: ...
zatbusch's user avatar
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Bottling hard ginger beer

I'm a bit late to the conversation, but I also recently started brewing my own Ginger Beer using a Ginger Bug and bottling in the Grolsch-Style swing top bottles. I've had very good success with this ...
jc allen's user avatar
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Making my first batch, but don't have bottles

If you don't have bottling gear (bottles, capper, caps, bottle tree etc) Your alternatives need to hold about 15 psi, and be easy to sanitize. 2 liter soda bottles work nice, just need to keep the ...
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar
3 votes

How do I stop my damson cordial from starting to ferment?

Stopping cordials fermenting naturally is always a bit difficult without some chemical inhibitors, vigorous pasteurisation or freezing. Wild yeast and bacteria can be difficult to eliminate but some ...
barking.pete's user avatar
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Are there any tricks for removing labels from bottles?

Stainless Steel Scrubbers These make quick work of a labels and adhesives. Soaking the bottles does make it a lot easier, but these scrubbers work even without soaking. Warm water with a little ...
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar
2 votes

Cleaning Many PET Bottles

Warm water from the tap will not deform the bottles. If you are worried about it you can temper the water with cooler tap water. Use hot water to dissolve some oxyclean or PBW. Temper it with the ...
brewchez's user avatar
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2 votes

How to clean bottles used for homebrewing few times?

An overnight soak in PBW or oxyclean always works well for freeing up beerstone and other deposits for me. The soak should start with the warmest tap water you can get. PBW is more expensive but I ...
brewchez's user avatar
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PET Bottle shelf life

Its your first brew; I wouldn't worry about it. It will get consumed fairly quickly. Certainly before an big bad PET issues arise...if you believe in that sort of thing. Don't worry about putting ...
brewchez's user avatar
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2 votes

Pet bottles force-carbonation

Yes you can get a ball lock attachment for plastic bottles, then force carbonate as you would a keg. 12-15psi for a few days.
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar
2 votes

Fat residues on bottles or glasses, causing bad head retension: how to dissolve and remove it?

I would start with a mild dish washing soap with warm water, it usually gets rid of grease and oils. If you have a bottle brush, use it, if not shake the bottles well. Then rince the bottles well. ...
Philippe's user avatar
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Fat residues on bottles or glasses, causing bad head retension: how to dissolve and remove it?

What not use a commercial brewing steriliser/cleaner like VWP? Soak in a solution made with very hot water overnight. One might find that all that is needed thereafter is a rinse with fresh water and ...
barking.pete's user avatar
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Bubbles within glass

When I cleaned demi-johns and glass bottles by soaking in a solution of PBW and hypochlorite bleach I noticed a build up of some insoluble compound on the surface of the glass that looked similar to ...
barking.pete's user avatar
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Sterilizing flip-top bottles in the oven, sealing for later use

I think it's worth mentioning that as homebrewers, we really need to be think about living in the "sanitization" realm rather than the "sterilization" realm. We have households, ...
HomeBrew's user avatar
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Is there a Grolsch flip-top bottle shortage?

I had a quick search for wholesale suppliers, some of these come in case of 12 -
Mr_road's user avatar
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Is it OK to bottle condition using previously contaminated bottles?

When cleaning suspect bottles is concerned, I personally prefer caustic soda. This is generally considered the nuclear weapon of cleaning and is not usually required for normal cleaning jobs, but when ...
Frank van Wensveen's user avatar
2 votes

Is it OK to bottle condition using previously contaminated bottles?

I would actually recommend different chemicals than the others. If you want to be really sure, and have gloves and goggles, I would recommend hot caustic to clean the crud out of the bottles. This is ...
Frazbro 's user avatar
2 votes

Is it OK to bottle condition using previously contaminated bottles?

Do not only use Starsan. Use water with a bit of bleach added, soak them and clean them, then rinse with a metabisulfite solution. I did not have any contaminated batches, but in the second half of ...
chthon's user avatar
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Transporting over carbonated glass bottles

I ended up transporting the bottles in a following set up: put bottles to a plastic bucket and filled the space beetween them with insides of an old pillow. I packed the buckets to car in a way they ...
DuctTape7's user avatar
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1 vote

can I carbonate a keg with my own cider

If you have kegs, why not just use CO2 to carb it? That's what I do.
Denny Conn's user avatar
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PET Bottle shelf life

For anyone else looking for advice on this here it is from my experience. PET bottles are fine for storing beer from 6 months to a year (perhaps even longer) in the right conditions. In my experience ...
Dazza's user avatar
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How to clean bottles used for homebrewing few times?

Cleaning involves removing the stuff you can see. As others have mentioned, a good bottle brush is the most common tool. I've also had success using a water pick (dental hygiene tool) to remove ...
linhartr22's user avatar
1 vote

How to clean bottles used for homebrewing few times?

I use bleach-and-water for sanitizing. I always have a bucket of about 30 litres of bleach-and-water sitting on my brewing counter. After a month or two, I make myself a new bucket of sanitizer. ...
Jeff Roe's user avatar
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Cleaning Many PET Bottles

The first trick is never to let beer and yeast dry in the bottles. Rinse them out as soon as they're empty and leave them full of water until you can clean them properly. PBW is more more effective ...
Kevin Sharp's user avatar
1 vote

Bottling hard ginger beer

IMHO and experience, the best bottles to use for "shorter term" conditioning of ginger beer (and related "fast ferments") are plastic PET bottles. The screw tops are sufficiently strong and the actual ...
barking.pete's user avatar
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Are plastic fizzy-drink bottles an acceptable substitute for glass bottles?

I have used 2 litre PET plastic bottles for many years, and would never even consider using a brush inside them, for reasons previously mentioned. I discovered quite early on, that a small amount of ...
Brian Pitt's user avatar
1 vote

How do you label your bottles?

I use dissolvable labels for food service. they dissolvable in water and do not leave a residue, and can be used with a sharpie or pen. link to similar product I use
1 vote

How do you label your bottles?

I'm going with two different alternatives, it really depends on how much time I want to spend on it. 1: design label and then print it on normal A4, cut out and then apply with glue stick. It takes ...

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