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Questions tagged [wine]

The product of fermented fruit juice, usually from grapes.

4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Oak Barrel Schedule

I’ve been a (grape) home wine maker for 7 years. Every year, I put my wine in non-permeable stainless steel kegs and leave it there for the next 12 months. I rack it 2-3 times to clean the lees of ...
Landon's user avatar
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Raisins for wine which yield some amount of moisture on squeezing?

I want to make raisin wine that is usable for certain Jewish religious ceremonies. For this the raisins have to yield some amount of moisture on squeezing them. Which raisins yield some amount of ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Rice wine process

With regards to making Chinese or Japanese non distilled rice wine - can you just cook the rice in a rice cooker and then transfer the rice into sterised containers in two batches? Then add the yeast ...
user25315's user avatar
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Primitive wine making

I'm very interested in primitive wine, so I have crushed the (red) grapes and put them in a drum. I have been told that for the first fermentation I should remove the lid and the after few days (5-7) ...
Ubiquitous Student's user avatar