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Questions tagged [wine]

The product of fermented fruit juice, usually from grapes.

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16 votes
9 answers

What are some good online sources for recipes?

What are some good online sources for recipes? Please specify the type of recipes the site has (extract, all-grain, mead, cider, etc.).
12 votes
5 answers

Can I use wine yeast to ferment beer?

Can I use wine yeast to ferment a beer? What sort of problems might I encounter that are unique to wine yeast trying to ferment malt sugars? What sort of flavor differences might I encounter?
baka's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

why do you degas wine but not beer?

After reading this post, I was wondering why have I heard of people degassing wine, but never beer? Does one also need to degas mead?
Pulsehead's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Will it harm my wine to shake the container?

This is probably a really dumb question, but is it bad to shake or swirl the container my wine is in to encourage the release of CO2? I accidentally found out that jarring the container results in ...
kathryn's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

How can I tell when wine has finished degassing?

I bottled my first home made wine last week. It's an apple wine that didn't turn out so well. The good news is that I think I know most of the reasons it isn't very good and I'm going to try again ...
Kyle Boon's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How can I minimize methanol/fusel alcohols in wine?

I just started home brewing, have studied up on the issues associated with methanol/fusel alcohols, and I'm wondering if there are certain practices that can be used to minimize non-ethanol alcohols, ...
Josh.F's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Can methanol be formed when brewing a rice wine?

Most people consider home wine brewing safe, regarding the methanol dose that is being produced. Wikipedia mentions 2012 methanol poisoning incident in Cambodia, caused by drinking home-made rice ...
user2449761's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

primary fermentation of wine

I am mostly a beer brewer, but recently I have begun experimenting with fruit wines. In contrast to beer, the wine recipes I am using all say to do the primary fermentation with only a towel or other ...
A.R.'s user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Degassing wine - how to proceed

Long time brewer, first time vintner here. Working through a winexpert Pinot Grigio kit. Primary and secondary fermentation went off without a hitch. Got to the stabilizing, degassing, and ...
revdrjrr's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How to know *when* to rack off gross lees?

I'm learning there are "gross" lees or the first big batch of sediment and then there are "fine" lees or the subsequent smaller amounts of sediment. "Gross" lees can contribute to "gross" flavors, ...
tarabyte's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Sulfur Smell from Fermentor

======================== 20 lbs. Forest Honey 12 lbs. Blueberries water to 6 gallons 5 grams of D-47 4 tsp. Fermaid K + DAP ======================== After the initial vigorous fermentation, I ...
SpunkerMonkey's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Sloe wine: going very slowly

Having started enough sloe gin this year to last a decade, I decided to use the rest of the fruit to brew some sloe wine. I'm new to brewing, and this might seem like an odd choice, but I have high ...
Marcus Downing's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can I use a 5 gallon carboy for a 3 gallon batch of wine?

I have a 3 gallon wine kit about ready to go from primary in a plastic bucket to secondary in a carboy. This is a port style, so I think I should be getting more fermentation action once I'm in the ...
CPhelps's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to tell if a cider is finished without hydrometer

EDITED I have a cider that I have made following the steps on CraigTube for his Hard Apple Cider. The only difference is that I have used Champagne yeast and the batch is 22L. I know you are all ...
WillNZ's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Is it better to age a wine in bottles rather than bulk aging?

My partner and I are brewing a 6-gallon wine batch, and we disagree over when to bottle it. It's been in the carboy for approximately 8 months, and I've read here and on other sites that bulk aging ...
tM --'s user avatar
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