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12 votes
5 answers

Can I use wine yeast to ferment beer?

Can I use wine yeast to ferment a beer? What sort of problems might I encounter that are unique to wine yeast trying to ferment malt sugars? What sort of flavor differences might I encounter?
baka's user avatar
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primary fermentation of wine

I am mostly a beer brewer, but recently I have begun experimenting with fruit wines. In contrast to beer, the wine recipes I am using all say to do the primary fermentation with only a towel or other ...
A.R.'s user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Sloe wine: going very slowly

Having started enough sloe gin this year to last a decade, I decided to use the rest of the fruit to brew some sloe wine. I'm new to brewing, and this might seem like an odd choice, but I have high ...
Marcus Downing's user avatar