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Questions tagged [temperature-probe]

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6 votes
3 answers

How to compensate for fermentation heat?

My current method of fermentation temperature management is submerging my carboy into a large bucket of water. I regulate the temperature of my water with ice packs/frozen water bottles to keep it at ...
Kingfisher's user avatar
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4 answers

Is the temperature range listed on the yeast manufacturers' websites ambient or fermenter?

The title pretty much says it. We know fermenter temperatures can be well above ambient, but which range are the yeast manufacturers referring to?
Wyrmwood's user avatar
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What is the purpose of multiple temperature probes in a brew-pi fermentation control setup?

I am building a fermentation fridge and for the controler I'm looking at brew-pi vs STC 1000. One of the advantages of the brew-pi is that it can handle multiple sensors. I don't understand the point ...
byronyasgur's user avatar
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3 answers

How to add temperature measurement and control to my Brooklyn Brew Shop beer kit?

My wife got me this beer making kit for my birthday. The first two brews failed horribly due to bad sanitation, but the third one, an American Pale Ale, turned out alright. The only thing I didn't ...
user849924's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Temperature Probe placement on brew kettle

I have the opportunity to get some hardware for my Keggle and I am looking at a weldless sight glass with a T shape that will allow me to screw on a thermo probe compression fitting. If I buy it I ...
chrisLawrence's user avatar
3 votes
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Temperature probe placement

I just built a fermentation chamber and bought a brew belt and a cheap thermostat on ebay to try to control the fermentation temperature. My main concern is, where do I place the probe in order to ...
riccamini's user avatar
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2 answers

Securing a threaded thermowell into a bucket lid

I perhaps may have made an oops and I bought this thermowell, thinking it would be easier to secure it to the lid than the regular straight walled one that everyone puts in a dual stopper. I thought ...
Bmo's user avatar
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Calibrating PID. Temperature probes PT100 not linear

I am working on my HERMS setup and have a few PIDS and temp sensors to work with. The problem is that the temp sensors show about 5 degrees celsius off when I first set it up. I Raised the water in my ...
Fredrik Dernebo's user avatar
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Temperature Control Issues

I'm testing out a brand new 200L system and found a couple of potentially disastrous but potentially easy-to-fix issues: 1) While mashing the temperature indicated on the thermometer which sits near ...
Snowman's user avatar
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1 answer

Best position to install a bi-metal thermometer

Of course I'm asking about the height. How to calculate the best height to install a bi-metal thermometer like this: Dial Thermometer - MoreBeer ? Usually, we can see it installed in the middle of ...
Luciano's user avatar
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BrewJacket - How does this Work and How can I replicate it? I've spent the last year determining how I can combat the hot temperatures to brew beer. I resort to ...
Matthew Moisen's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

PVC and PTFE Plastic for Long Term Wort Contact

I use a Raspberry Pi with water proof temperature sensors fed in through the airlock to measure the temperature of the wort. They are in contact with the wort from pitch and up to bottling, 4-6 weeks. ...
Matthew Moisen's user avatar
0 votes
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How to Use a Johnson Temperature Controller in Combination with a Ferawrap - Probe conflict with Raspberry PI

I received the Johnson A419 Digital Temperature Controller and will be getting a Fermwrap today in the mail (and I will be brewing tonight hopefully). I noticed that the Johnson model comes with a ...
Matthew Moisen's user avatar
1 vote
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How Much (and How Fast) of a Drop in Temperature can (Ale) Yeast Tolerate? (And Preliminary Results from My Experiment)

I have rigged up a Raspberry Pi with some DS18B20 temperature probes that measure both the water in the swamp cooler and the beer directly and store the results in a MySQL database. I brewed a new ...
Matthew Moisen's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

How Should I Place a Digital Thermometer into My Fermentation Chamber and Keep it Airtight?

I have a setup with a raspberry pi and two DS18B20 digital thermometers that measure the temperature of the ambient air and the water in a swamp cooler that I place my fermentation chamber in. I was ...
Matthew Moisen's user avatar
7 votes
6 answers

Networked/Connected Thermometer for Measuring Water in Swamp Cooler

I was hoping to put together an information system that could measure the temperature of the water in a bucket where I place my fermenting-bucket and notify my smart phone when I need to replace the ...
Matthew Moisen's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

2 Temperature Control Questions - difference in ambient temp; moisture control in chest freezer

I use a chest freezer with a Brewpad heating element stuck to the inside wall (for warmer fermentations/bottle conditioning), and a single-stage Johnson controller. Since getting this, I haven't used ...
Pietro's user avatar
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do I need a thermowell with stainless temperature sensor?

I'm planning a fermentation monitor based on an arduino board. The temperature sensors comprise a 1/4" OD stainless tube 8" long, which will be used with buckets and carboys. There are stainless ...
mdma's user avatar
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