Questions tagged [malt]

Short for malted grain - the main ingredient of beer after water. A cereal grain, usually barley, that has been soaked then dried. The soaking causes the grain to germinate, developing enzymes necessary to convert the grain's starches in to fermentable sugars.

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When malting barley is it necessary to remove the small roots that grow on the grains?

I'm new at making beer and I have some questions I couldn't find answers from in my beer-making book. One of them is why everyone I saw on YT tries to remove the roots that grows on the grain after ...
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If barley grains are too sprouted, how will this affect the beer?

I have 20 kilos of barley I placed on a wet large towel to germinate in order to obtain malt for beer. I let them too long and they sprouted too much[Look at the photos]. How will this long rootlets ...
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