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Questions tagged [kegerator]

For questions relating to the creating or maintaining refrigerators or freezers modified for holding and/or dispensing homebrew (e.g. beer in a Cornelius keg).

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3 votes
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Balancing: Correct Serving Pressure Vs Beer Line Length

How long should my beer lines be in my kegerator or keezer for the perfect pint?
Another Compiler Error's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Why am I getting foam in my keg line when dispensing?

I have a two-tap kegerator which I use to dispense commercial 5-gallon kegs. My lines are about 3 feet long1 and I keep my pressure at 10psi and my temperature relatively cold. Whenever I draw from ...
Erick Robertson's user avatar
5 votes
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What is the best way to seal a kegerator?

I am trying to prevent condensation in my kegerator, and it seems that sealing it as good as possible is a great idea. I have a chest freezer with a wooden collar where the faucets are installed and ...
Joe Lencioni's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

How do I prevent condensation in my kegerator?

I have converted a chest freezer into a kegerator by building a wooden collar around the top and re-mounting the freezer lid on that. I installed four faucets in the front and have a hole in the back ...
Joe Lencioni's user avatar
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Troubleshooting wild pours from kegerator

I recently bought an Igloo 6 ft^3 kegerator as my first venture into kegging. It worked very well the first day but has been pouring wildly ever since. The beer line is 4.5 feet of 3/16" PVC; based ...
Grafton C.'s user avatar