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2 answers

First time cider is very tart and acidic, any fixes?

first time cider maker. I recently pressed cooking apples and elderberries into a cider mix, fermented in a bucket for a week with an air gap bung until the bubbles stopped and transferred to bottles ...
Frying Dutchman's user avatar
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Messed up West Coast IPA recipe, could dryhopping make it good?

My first batch, I followed a recipe using malt extract to create a West Cost IPA. The wording of the recipe made me invert the Hop additions... [Edit] Instead of: 2oz of Centinennial at 0mins left ...
Boubou's user avatar
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How representative is the taste of cider after primary fermentation?

I'm brewing a Wilko Pear cider kit. The method was to empty the can of juice into the FV and add 1.5kg of brewing sugar and enough water to bring it up to 23L. I started it off just under 3 weeks ago ...
AssLemon's user avatar
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5 answers

Where do I start reading?

So I want to learn to brew beer. I constantly try new beer, and try to dissect all the flavors involved. The next logical step in my love of beer seems to be trying my hand at brewing. I should ...
Jake's user avatar
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Racking flavour - too strong?

i'm about to rack off my first batch of full-grain IPA. It's a small batch that has been fermenting about 14 days in a demijohn. I tasted some briefly when racking and it tasted very strong which is ...
tea2sugars's user avatar
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did i put too much yeast in?

this is the beer i made ingredients: 17 litres spring water 1 can of coopers Australian pale ale i think it was 1.7 kg normal size 500 grams malt extract coopers brew enhancer 1 which is 250 grams ...
Jesse Boakes's user avatar
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How early can I know if a brew is ruined?

Today I tried my very first brew using a Coopers DIY kit. I was told the Lager mix that comes with the kit probably won't taste amazing, but it should be hardy and forgiving for beginners that don't ...
captainclam's user avatar