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First time wine maker

Good morning , I’m a first time wine maker and have a question about the wine I’m making , I made 4 gallons of scuppernong wine. I used 2 1/2 gallons of grapes, 2 gallons of water, 4 pounds of sugar ...
Rick Jefferson's user avatar
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2 answers

48 hours into ferment. Fermenter temperature is 73°F. Should I cool it?

First time brewing. I have a IPA in a 6.5 gallon bucket fermenter with US-05 pitched into it. I've got the fermenter in the basement and temperature probe taped to the side of the bucket. Ambient room ...
HomeBrew's user avatar
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Steps to take as a first timer brewery

Hello am all new in this industry, i just bought the brewing kit ,your help will be much appreciated.what are the first steps you take when brewing a beer
user15072's user avatar
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Not enough yeast for a 20 Litre batch?

Gday! :) So i have just purchased the coopers real ale malt concentrate as well as a kilo of light malt. I started with 2 litre's of boiled water in my fermentor (after sanitising it with no rinse ...
Daniel Cameron's user avatar
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Is anyone aware of a mini refrigerator model with a flat bottom for use as fermentation chamber?

Searching like crazy to find a mini refrigerator with a flat bottom. Any model will work, as I am new to this and only brewing 1 gallon batches. Ideally it would hold a 5gal carboy so that I do not ...
MagRat's user avatar
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No bubbling after 3 days and no SG reading at start

I'm doing my first brew and it doesn't seem to be going too well! I know there are loads of questions along these lines but I couldn't find one that matches my scenario closely. I did all the prep ...
x3ja's user avatar
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Pitched dry yeast into 57F wort, underfilled the fermenter with water... have I ruined my batch?

So, I was brewing my Brewer's Best Kolsch LME kit, and I made four errors. First, I skipped rehydrating, yielding to the boxed instructions instead of the packet. Second, I overestimated how cold my ...
Azeotropic's user avatar
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How early can I know if a brew is ruined?

Today I tried my very first brew using a Coopers DIY kit. I was told the Lager mix that comes with the kit probably won't taste amazing, but it should be hardy and forgiving for beginners that don't ...
captainclam's user avatar
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US-05 Fermentation Temps

On the package of the US-05 it says it's temperature range is 58-75F. However, all the reading on forums I am finding people tend to the lower end of the spectrum, even calling upper-60's to be too ...
ntmw's user avatar
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4 answers

First Time I doing it right?

So I went to my local brewing store, and got a starter kit. It came with a 7 gallon fermenter, a siphon tube, a floating thermometer, bottle caper, bottle caps, bottle scrubber, and sanitizer. By the ...
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