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Questions tagged [boil-equipment]

Equipment required for boiling the wort. Comprises at least the kettle and the heat source.

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Brewing in an oversized kit - any risks?

I'm looking at buying a larger brew kit to go alongside the current 27L setup I currently have. I've been toying with the idea of upgrading to 200L and simply not brewing to capacity, maybe brew ...
joe92's user avatar
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DIY 110 volt eBIAB sytem possible?

I've been doing some research into pre-built electric all-in-one brewing systems (Robobrew, Grainfather, etc) vs DIY electric systems. The prevailing sentiment is that a DIY 110v 1500 watt system is ...
BookDisorder's user avatar
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Homemade condensing pipe for kettle

For various reasons (climate being one) I'm trying to bring my brewing indoors and I cannot simply vent the steam out. A condensing pipe could allow me to remove the vast amount of steam and thus ...
joe92's user avatar
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How much power do I need on gas stove to boil 30 liters of wort under 30 minutes?

I'm aware of this answer to How to brew all-grain indoors. It says It gives a good rolling boil and doesn't go all floppy when it's hot. It has a 2kW element holds 29 litres That's nice, about ...
Mołot's user avatar
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The use of galvanized or bronze pipe fittings

One hears a lot of different comments regarding the use of galvanized or bronze pipe fittings. I have a 50L urn as my boil tank and I want to replace the tap, but the tap is an odd size - 17mm - and ...
Andre Erasmus's user avatar
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How do you wash nylon grain bags for first use?

Got some food grade nylon bags. They smell a little plasticy. How do i wash them and get then ready before using them for boil in a bag brewing?
OrganicLawnDIY's user avatar
3 votes
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How big of a batch can I brew on a 16k BTU burner?

I'm very new to this but home brewing is something I always wanted to try but never got around to it. I have my first batch fermenting made with a PicoBrew Pico appliance which is very nice but I ...
OrganicLawnDIY's user avatar
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Higher boil off than usual?

I did a brew at the weekend with my usual kit (electric boiler). Everything was identical, apart from the location (a shop) and the water (I usually use filtered water from a Brita tap, but this time ...
Pezholio's user avatar
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Converting a burner over to NG

I'm in the process of converting my house from LP to NG and I'd like to have the plumbers run a drop for inside and outside by garage for my burner. Has anyone converted their LP burners to NG? What ...
chrisLawrence's user avatar
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Aluminum mash tun?

My current brewing set up is as follows: 2 Fermenter's Favorite 10 gallon all grain coolers hot liquor tank and mash tun, 15 gallon Megapot boil kettle, Edelmetal Bru Burner, and a homemade gravity ...
SimpleTun's user avatar
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Cooler Mash tun or Keggle with The Brew Bag

I currently have a turkey fryer 8.5 gallon turkey fryer kettle and I have a Home Depot Rubbermade diy mash tun with a stainless steel worm for sparging. My mash tun will need the worm replaced soon....
chrisLawrence's user avatar
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Mash Boiler – What's a good boiler?

i'm new to the brewing game and am currently waiting for a few whole grain brews to come of age. One thing i'd like to do is purchase a larger mash boiler and dedicate a bit of space in the shed for ...
tea2sugars's user avatar
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Poor hop aroma for late addition hops

My boil kettle is about 56x85cm, so relatively tall and narrow. I get a good rolling boil but no matter how much hops I throw in in the last 5 minutes I can never seem to get any aroma whatsoever. I'm ...
Snowman's user avatar
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Do I need a ball valve on my brew kettle?

I am shopping for a brew kettle so I can upgrade to full volume boils. Many pots have ball valves. I can think of two reasons to use a ball valve Drain through it to avoid picking up the kettle to ...
jake's user avatar
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Boil kettle from plastic fermentation bin

Can a plastic fermentation bin be modified with a heater element to make a strike-water heater or a boil-kettle?
Another Compiler Error's user avatar
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Food Grade Steel Drums

I'm thinking about buying some a HUGE Blue food grade steel drums, which is either painted or enameled.If I correctly modify them, will these be okay for FV, Mashing Tubs, Boil Kettle, Strike Boiler? ...
Another Compiler Error's user avatar
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How low to install a ball valve on a boil kettle?

I'm putting together my first all grain system. I'm converting a 44qt SS stockpot to be used as a boil kettle using a weldless bulkhead and SS ball valve. I automatically assumed that I needed to ...
Dave Majors's user avatar
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power is cutting out on my (electric) boiler

I have an electrim mashing bin (the standard one of these) that I use as a boiler. This morning as I went to heat my liquor, the element started to cut out (water was around 60°C). When I left the ...
alsothings's user avatar
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What are the price/features tradeoffs to consider when buying a new brew kettle?

I'm thinking of popping for this brew kettle - It comes with a ball valve and ...
6 votes
6 answers

Marking your brew pot?

I have a new stainless steel brew pot and it doesn't have any quantity markings. How do you recommend marking each gallon? I tried to make an indent but it's not very noticeable, any ideas?
Slimasaurus's user avatar
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Screw dimensions for camco/reliance water heater element?

I'm planning to install a water heater element in my boiling kettle. I have been looking at the Reliance and Camco elements but since neither is easy to get by in Finland I really need to go for a ...
Cleber Goncalves's user avatar
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Indoor-alternatives to kitchen stove

I am a kitchen-brewer doing 5 gls all-grain batches and am frustrated because the kitchen stove is lacking the last bit of power to yield a nice rolling boil. Are there any indoor-alternatives to the ...
Tobi's user avatar
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Long boils are ruining enamel on stove, is there any way to prevent this?

I have tried putting aluminium foil about 3 inches out from around burner, but that seemed to exacerbate the problem. I think it helped the insulate the area under the foil. It seems like I am ...
CLJ's user avatar
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Copper/Aluminum Plate for Propane Burner

I have a propane burner I recently purchased to do my boils. It works great, however I noticed some minor scorch marks in my stainless steel brew pot afterward. I read somewhere that a copper or ...
StormerOfLezbos's user avatar