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Questions tagged [beer-tools]

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5 votes
2 answers

What is the name for this gigantic dropper or pipe that a person use to suck liquid out of a container?

I saw it in a video about hydrometer, and I can't find anywhere where to buy this gigantic dropper. what are its name and size? It seems about 250ml which is what I need. Thanks! The tube in the ...
Ezeewei's user avatar
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1 answer

Beergun too much O² in bottles?

I've bought a beergun to fill my Beer from the fermentor into my bottles. I got the Feeling that it shoots alot of O² in my Beer. The Beer turned Out super hazy (Not Sure If its because of the gun). ...
user17344's user avatar
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2 answers

Kegging with something other than CO2 [duplicate]

Is CO2 the only type of gas you could use to carbonate the beer in your keg. (Okay know carbonate means to use CO2). Something like say Nitrogen or Helium or whatever. If so what would that taste like ...
zatbusch's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What are the best Android Apps for homebrewing

I have noticed there are a bunch of homebrewing tools/apps available in the android store. I'm wondering what the best ones are. Some of them you have to pay for, i'm okay with paying for an app if it'...
Gingerbeardman's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Adjusting beer recipes to smaller batches

I would like to starting making smaller batches (10L) but most of the recipes that I have found online are for larger batches. Luckily, it seems that you can scale down ingredients linearly but ...
Kraken's user avatar
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2 answers

What are good food grade safe/temperature tolerant finishes for wooden mash paddles?

What is considered to be a safe, temperature tolerant finish to apply to a useable wooden mash paddle? The intention is to extend the life of the mash paddle while still actively using it, so the ...
Scott's user avatar
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5 answers

How can you tell if a propane burner is large enough for boil?

Any idea on what BTU, PSI, etc. would be acceptable for 5 gallon boils? I've been looking around at turkey fryer's but I don't know if they'll pump out enough heat. Recommendations? PS: I'm trying to ...
Average Beer Snob's user avatar
46 votes
33 answers

What software do most brewers use?

Just curious what most brewers are using these days as far as software goes. We are going to have to make a decision in the near future about this. BeerSmith? ProMash? BeerTools? Any others I haven'...