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Questions tagged [autolysis]

The process by which a cell breaks itself down (i.e. self-digests). In home brewing, this most often occurs after a very long fermentation and can be a cause of off-flavors.

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2 votes
2 answers

Is autolysis a problem when reusing yeast?

I've seen around here and in other sources that for homebrewers a secondary fermentation (concerning autolysis) isn't necessary, unless you're going to dry hoppy or something like that. My question is ...
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2 answers

Over-pitched yeast- how to avoid autolysis?

I am doing my first batch with a yeast starter. I harvested yeast from a commercial Belgian trappist ale, built it up for a couple of days, cold-crashed it, decanted off the majority of the mini-wort ...
Scott C's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What is the impact of a second d-rest after 3 weeks of lagering?

We have brewed a number of ales, but recently tried our hand at a pilsner. After 8 days of fermenting at around 52 degrees F, we brought the pilsner up for a 2-day diacetyl rest at around 68 degrees. ...
distractable's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Should we primary ferment in carboys prior to transfer into an oak barrel for a solera?

We are about to undergo a 55 gallon brew as a club, to be added to an oak barrel to be a solera. Is autolysis enough of a concern to primary ferment in glass and rack into the barrel? As a ...
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