I'm looking to piece together a Peanut Butter Chocolate Stout recipe and I torn between using powdered cocoa late in the boil or cocoa nibs in secondary. Any suggestions?

Also, with either suggestion, how much do you suggest using for a moderate amount of chocolate flavor?

2 Answers 2


I just brewed this! I used this recipe which has a lot of great discussion. I used cocoa powder & peanut butter powder in the secondary, and added cocoa nibs a week later (sanitized by soaking in as little vodka as possible overnight).


This recipe is amazing, I'll be making it again even without cocoa or peanut butter it is a great stout recipe.

  • I agree do both. I have added cocoa nibs to the boil as well. Added them 10 minutes to the end of the boil and got great flavor that way. Commented Mar 6, 2013 at 20:03
  • @andrhamm Thanks for the links and suggestions. I'm leaning towards using a little of both after your suggestions and further research. Ever tasted Southern Tier Chocolate Stout? Talk about chocolate-y goodness! Commented Mar 7, 2013 at 2:01
  • Southern Tier Choklat- BA Review beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/3818/40058 Commented Mar 7, 2013 at 2:51
  • @TravisWood I haven't but I definitely will, maybe as commercial calibration when I'm taste testing mine
    – andrhamm
    Commented Mar 8, 2013 at 19:03

I've used 250g cocoa powder in 25L of Robust Porter a number of times (both at flameout and added after primary), and it comes out tasting very dark-chocolatey. I haven't used nibs before, so I can't give you a comparison.

I'd be very interested to hear how you plan to get the peanut butter flavour - I've considered making a similar beer, but have been put off by the problems associated with using actual peanut butter.

  • Most of research I have done so far into this recipe has led me to powdered peanut butter: PB2 amazon.com/PB2-Powdered-Peanut-Butter-6-5/dp/B002GJ9JWS It sounds like this is the solution to a fatty/oily PB that will just clog up fermentation. Commented Mar 7, 2013 at 1:58
  • Thanks, I've not seen or heard of powdered peanut butter before - I'll have to keep an eye out for it!
    – tallie
    Commented Mar 7, 2013 at 5:26
  • Yes the PB2 is fantastic, I ordered two chocolate & pb ones and one PB one from amazon (only used the PB one so far but planning to use the chocolate ones in a later batch). I added enough water to pour and boiled for a short while, then cooled and added to secondary. Chime in on that forum with your results!
    – andrhamm
    Commented Mar 8, 2013 at 19:02

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