This is not exactly a home brew question but this site seems to be the best fit in the stack exchange network for it. You can home brew the beer in question with a kit produced by the brewery though it obviously isn't exactly the same. If there's an answer to be had I am sure someone here has it.
Cooper's Sparkling Ale is the beer I buy most often. While I like Grolsch swingtops better (and my Dad loves that he can use the bottles for his brew) it's much more expensive and harder to find. Coopers is a family-owned brewery in South Australia, it's one of the few independent breweries left whose products can be found nationally.
Two questions about this bottle-conditioned ale:
I prefer the 750ml size to the 375ml size. I always feel the beer from the large bottle has a much fuller taste and more intense bitterness to it. I've tried chilling both equally and pouring into the same sized glass. There could be variation due to batch but then some of the time I would expect to prefer the small bottle. Can this be explained by the larger volume of the bottle particularly as this is bottle-conditioned ale?
As much as I like this stuff it can sometimes give me the shade of a hangover from just one bottle. It's a heavy-ish beer at 5.8% ABV but an equivalent alcohol volume consumed as some other drink doesn't do it. I'm not talking about the home brew version here so it isn't my fault. Can I attribute this to the yeast in the bottle or to something else?