I've decided to begin assembling the components for temperature control, as I am walking around telling new homebrewers that its the best thing one can do to improve quality, yet I myself don't have it. I am going to buy a temp controller and a freezer (but will need to make space, as I live in a small rowhouse), but was wondering which controllers are best for homebrewing. There seems to be quite a bit of price difference out there. At the high end, I was looking at this one by Ranco:
Also by Ranco, but a third the price: http://www.amazon.com/RANCO-ETC-111000-Digital-Temperature-Control/dp/B0015NV5BE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1328194583&sr=8-1
I've also heard of some people having good experiences with Johnson, such as this one: http://www.amazon.com/Johnson-Controls-Digital-Thermostat-Control/dp/B00368D6JA/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1328194583&sr=8-2
I would prefer to have to do minimal wiring/splicing, etc. myself, as my wife is already patient enough with my obsession and don't want to add and electrical fire and burned-alive dog to the mix to test it further.
Maybe this should be a community wiki?
Thanks in advance!