From what I've read, beer wort is relatively rich in nutrients and mead must is nutrient-poor. Where does cider fit on this spectrum?

I typically do small batches and pitch pretty generously, one dry yeast packet split between two one-gallon batches. I always use some adjunct sugars, either brown sugar, juice concentrate, or honey.

I'm hoping to get a batch started this weekend - do you think it would benefit from some nutrient? Would something like Mangrove Jack's M02 that claims to have nutrient in it suffice?

2 Answers 2


Really depends on the apple juice which depends on the soil the trees are grown.

I've done size-by-side tests on 1 gallon batches with and without 1/4 tsp each of yeast nutrients (DAP, ammonium sulfate) & 'energizer' using commercial filtered apple juice. Using 1g Lalvin EC-1118 in each, they both fermented fine in the same time and the taste was indistinguishable. I wouldn't be surprised if the commercial orchards are well fed resulting in a juice with good nutrients. However I do seem to recall some fermentations I've tried with local wild juices being sluggish without nutrients.


Yes, cider needs a lot of nutrients for healthy yeast growth.

Here's a couple ways to get around adding nutrients.

Full pitch of yeast. This basically skips a growth phase be case all the needed yeast is there. Usually done by racking juice on top of your last batches yeast trub.

Malted Cider in a 50/50 blend wort/Apple juice. This will give yeast all the nutrients it needs. Also the residual unfermentable sugars in the wort, usually eliminate the need to backsweeten.

  • 1
    Thanks EvilZ! Great idea with the malted cider, I’ll have to try that. Commented Mar 31, 2018 at 17:31

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