I've been reading John Palmer's How to Brew and I'm getting ready for my first brew day in a few days. I'm aiming to follow the basic 'Cincinnati Pale Ale' recipe that he provides but I'm going to have to substitute some ingredients and I'm just wondering if it will be OK to do this.
His recipe:
OG = 1.045, 30 IBUs
- 1.5kg pale malt extract syrup, unhopped
- 1.1kg amber dry malt extract
- 6 AAUs bittering hops
- 5 AAUs finishing hops
- packet dry yeast
My proposed changes:
- Malt: 1.8kg amber liquid + 1kg pale dry
- Hops: Just one variety of the local 'Cascade'-style hop.
Will I have to compensate in any way for the malt changes? I understand people target different OGs/IBUs for the style they want, but will this be OK to produce a first brew?
Regarding hops, mine are 7.3% AA so I'm thinking I'll use 6AAUs of them for bittering and probably none for finishing in order to keep it simple. Does that sound like a reasonable plan, or should I use some for finishing in order to get more AAUs?
In terms of boiling the wort, I have a 50L aluminium pot - should I boil the whole amount of water (~20L) with the malt and hops in it, or should I do what Palmer does in his recipe and only boil part of the final volume, adding the rest into the fermenter? I'm a bit confused about why he wouldn't boil all the water and ingredients together as I thought that produced a better wort, but I've also read that some people only boil small amounts of water and then add it to the rest in the fermenter...
I know this is probably a bit weird but I'm not experienced enough to know what will just 'work'. I'm not that worried about what will be 'best' - just trying to get a first brew out that tastes like a decent beer and doesn't fail. Thanks in advance for reading and responding.