I bottled my homebrew a week ago - TrueBrew Bavarian Hefeweizen. Yesterday I popped a bottle to make sure it was carbonating, and for a sneak preview. I was pleasantly surprised with the aroma and flavor up front, but the finish was weak and left something to be desired.
Just curious (since I have nothing but time on my hands to worry), is it possible this is just because I only bottled a week ago, and will get better with age? Or perhaps could I have done something better\different for my batch.
Thanks in advance!
Edit 1 - I got a few comments all seeming to indicate that the beer was "flat". I shouldn't have used that term at all in the title (sorry), the beer wasn't "flat", I was talking about the flavor of the beer itself, the taste was just bland. A nice aroma and flavor up front, and a nice mouth feel (for only one week into conditioning), but the finish on the palate was.. well.. perhaps like a light flat beer. It's hard to explain, send me your address and I'll send a bottle lol.