So I have never done a full mash brew before only ever malt extract brews. But after reading this article thought I would give it a go using a 1 gallon method as oppose to a 5.
However I have a few questions.
Do I simply divide all ingredient quantities by 5 if using a 5 gallon recipe? I figured yes about malt but not too sure about hops, do I still need to use the full amount stated to impart flavour or should I divide the quantity by 5 as well?
The Sparge - obviously I have never done this beforeas I have only ever done malt extract method and thus have no special equipment and don't really want to buy any right now. So using just a colander and or a sieve how would I achieve this stage successfully? I would really appreciate a fairly thorough yet simple explanation if at all possible as I am slightly confused about this stage.
Thanks a lot in advance.