I also use BIAB with a bag bought online. The flour from the crushed grain flows pretty freely out of the mash and is present after the boil and chill as a huge cloud settling towards the bottom of my fermenter. Whirlfloc definitely helps clump the stuff together with the cold-crash material, but the goop clogs every filter I have tried.
I've also tried letting the wort settle for 24-36 hours while refrigerating to fermentation temp, then racking to a clean fermenter. That was a huge pain because I did not have an extra gallon to discard, and filtering the remainder at the bottom was impossible. There was also the fear of contaminating my batch by messing around with it in various containers. It seems one could do this effectively with additional equipment like vacuum pumps and Buchner funnels, or maybe a closed system that you could let drip for hours into a giant filter bag...
Long story short, the flour does compact nicely into the trub, and a good cold crash for 2-days at the end of fermentation pretty much takes care of the entire problem for me. On my next batch I am going to try filtering the flour BEFORE the mash by screening it with a #60 screen. Maybe I lose 5-10% of the grain bill that way.