Building up to my first home brewing I purchased a muntons brewery in a bag session IPA. (On special from Aldi seemed like a steal).
I followed all instructions to the letter keeping everything sterile. Instructions were; add 4 pints of warm water to dissolve one, add dried yeast packet, top up with cold water, leave to ferment, move somewhere cold after a week. In the beginning it was bubbling away and seemed to be fermenting just fine. This continued until the last week when it stopped inflating the bag - I initially assumed it was due to the process coming to an end.
Big excitement on day 30, I crack open my beer, pull off a big glass of sediment and discard it. I then pull a 1/4 of a pint. It smells wrong, tasting it I discover it is sweet and unfermented. I’m crestfallen.
I think it’s due to the dried yeast being faulty. So I took 250ml of the liquid, 250ml of warm water, added 2x7g of dried baking yeast, and a couple of spoons of auger to make a yeast starter. Once it was bubbling and I had left the beer next to the radiator to warm up slightly I added it.
After a few hours it appears to be frothing, and smells slightly like its fermenting.
The question is - is there any point in this experiment and can anyone suggest a time scale?