The spec sheet says:
The SafAle™ BE-134 is a Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus and is characterized by a particularly high attenuation. This typical yeast strain is recommended for Belgian Saison-style beers. It gives fruity aromas with a slight spicy character (POF+) such as clove notes. This strain will bring highly refreshing and drinkable beers.
It seems like none of the yeast producers makes claims as to equivalence between their yeast and the alternative producer, but there are some cross reference charts that seem somewhat reliable (and a few 'substitution' charts that aren't as useful). I was trying to find a reliable reference that contained this particular yeast, but came up empty.
With today's ability to do genome sequencing and end point polymerase chain reaction (PCR), it would seem that a definitive source would be available, and would contain the equivalency information for BE-134.